Chapter 3: Wow, This is Weird!

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Walking into the Hall, the four came to a standstill behind the rapidly dwindling line of first years waiting to be sorted. Dumbledore took his seat at the front as Minerva continued to call out names. The Hall was already full of students, who were watching the new arrivals with curiosity. The four shifted uncomfortable under such close scrutiny. Looking around at the sea of faces, they spotted some very familiar looking people. At the Gryffindor table the Marauders were easily visible. Harry felt a deep sadness come over his as he watched a beautiful redheaded fifth year with sparkling emerald green eyes talking animatedly with a weary seeming boy with a tired looking face and haunted eyes. Next to them, two dark haired boys, both sporting cheeky grins, were deep in conversation. It was obvious they were discussing who to prank next by the way they were eyeing up the Slytherin table. Across from them, a short tubby boy with dirty blond hair was trying to join in their conversation with little success. Harry's eyes narrowed as he spotted the rat who betrayed his parents.

Following the gaze of the younger version of his godfather, Harry glanced at some of the people sitting at the Slytherin table. A lot of them looked familiar as Death Eaters who had been at Voldemort's resurrection at the end of the Triwizard Tournament. Harry suppressed a shudder as his eyes locked onto the cruel gaze of a platinum blond seventh year. With a start, the Boy-Who-Lived realised he was looking at a younger version of Lucius Malfoy. Upon closer inspection, he could see the seventh year boy looked almost exactly like Caligula had at that age, and he knew Draco would be the same. The Malfoys all seemed to look the same, despite their mothers' genes. Lucius broke the gaze first, turning to speak to a younger boy next to him, who Harry realised with a start was a younger Severus Snape. Quickly averting his eyes, he continued to peruse the Great Hall.

Looking over to the Hufflepuff table, Harry spotted a few people who looked vaguely familiar. Someone who looked a little like Cedric Diggory was sitting with a group of younger students. Must be his older brother, Harry thought. He was talking to a group of students, some of which looked like other members of the Hufflepuff House in Harry's time. There were also a few who reminded him of some of his Housemates the year before.

The Ravenclaw table, like the Hufflepuffs, showed a few people with passing resemblances to people he had met before, in the future or the past. He spotted a couple of seventh years holding hands, who looked like they could be Cho Chang's parents. When he thought of Cho, he realised he no longer felt anything for her. The only person he felt like that about was 'Tea. Thoughts of the Ravenclaw daughter made him seek her out. She should be floating around her House table, after all. After a few moments he spotted her sitting with a group of older students, having what seemed like a very involved conversation. It was obvious she hadn't spotted the time travellers entering. Harry sent a quick mental nudge in her direction, knowing her telepathic ability would allow her to pick it up. He watched amused as she started in surprise, before looking around the Great Hall frantically, trying to find the source. When she finally spotted him, their eyes met and held for what seemed like an age. Harry watched as a broad smile broke out on her face. She looked really happy to see him. Finishing her conversation with the Ravenclaws, she floated over inconspicuously, keeping an eye on the rapidly shortening line of first years. When she got to the group, she greeted her old friends in her mother tongue, surprising the few first years at the end of the line who were close enough to hear.

" Hello, you four. Long time no see."

" Well, it hasn't been as long as it was last time. And at least this time you weren't trapped in a stone."

" That's true, Harry. How have you all been?"

" We're fine. 'Tea," Ron told her, " We were a bit surprised when we got here and realised we were in a time when Harry's parents are alive. It's a bit of a shock for him."

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