Chapter 26: James and Lily, Sitting on a Tree

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Chapter 26: James and Lily, Sitting on a Tree

" How could you take his side?"

" I'm not saying what he did is right, I'm just saying that I'm not going to condemn him for it. He made a mistake. Anyone could make one."

" A mistake? You call attempted murder a mistake? If that's a simple mistake, I'd hate to see your interpretation of a sin. I cannot believe you."

" But Lily…"

" Don'tyou 'but Lily' me James Potter! We've been friends for five years, but now I can see I never really knew you. If you can take his side in this, then you aren't the person I thought you were."

" Lily, listen to me…"

" No, James, I'm through listening to you. This time, you are going to listen to me. I know you saved Snape, but that doesn't redeem you. If you are supporting Sirius in this, then I'm afraid we are though."

" Lily, you can't do this to me…"

" I mean it! Harry was right to say what he did."

" He threatened Sirius! Said he would put him in a coma, or kill him."

" He was just protecting his friend."

" So am I!"

" There's a difference, James. His friend is innocent."

" Hardly!"

" Oh, so he sent himself under the Willow, did he?"

" No…"

" Sirius did, so therefore he is the guilty party. I can't condone it, I'm sorry."

" Lily, you can't break up with me."

" I'm sorry James."

" But…."

" No! James, you just aren't listening. You've seen what this has done to Remus. He's never hurt anyone before, and now a friend he trusted with his secret did something like this. You don't seem to realise that Sirius didn't just put Snape's live on the line, he put his own and Remus' there as well. What do you think the Ministry would have done if Remus had killed Snape? The executioner would have been straight around with his big axe before you could say 'condemned'. Remus would have been 'put down'. Sirius would have been sent to Azkaban for murder. Do you really think he could last five minutes with the Dementors before going mad?"

" Lily, I know it was stupid of him. I appreciate that. But I don't see why this should come between us. It has nothing to do with us."

" James, it has everything to do with us. Remus is my friend as well as yours. You saved Snape from him, making you a key player in the whole thing. Don't say we are not involved. I'm sorry James, but I can't do this anymore."

Lily turned away from her boyfriend and left the Gryffindor common room. The pair had been up late into the night talking over the incident that James had managed to get himself entangled in. Lily, while not liking most Slytherins, hadn't been raised in a wizarding family where House prejudices were acquired early on in life. While the Slytherins in general had proven to be rather disagreeable towards muggleborns, she still couldn't condone trying to murder one. James, while not liking what Sirius had done, wasn't openly opposing his actions either. That was something she just couldn't accept. While she loved James, she still had her principals, and wasn't about to abandon them for anything. Not even love.

When Harry entered the Great Hall the next morning, he immediately noticed something was off. The atmosphere seemed a little different, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what had changed. Sitting in the middle of the Slytherin table with his back to the wall, he surveyed the room spread out before him. It looked the same as ever. The teachers were sat at the head table discussing whatever it was grown ups discussed. The students were carrying on their conversations, the same as at every other meal time. The level and volume where normal, and there didn't seem to be any obvious rumours flying around. The students seemed to be all present, as did the teachers. There were no obvious gaps at any of the tables. The décor was the same, the ceiling as ever showing a view of the sky outside. Letting out a sigh, Harry lowered his head to eat. As he did, he noticed Simbi poking out of his sleeve. Looking at the snake thoughtfully, he started hissing quietly in parseltongue.

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