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01/09/1975AD The four arrive in 1975. Call Order meeting. Tell the Order about time travelling. Harry meets Heather. Feast – Harry casts mass silencing spell.

02/09/1975AD Trip to Diagon Alley. 'Tea tells Harry to move on.

03/09/1975AD Hermione, Ginny and Harry meet the Marauders.

15/09/1975AD Sev learns the Patronus charm.

16/09/1975AD Sev and Harry join the quidditch team. Harry beats Lucius in a duel.

13/10/1975AD Marauders prank Harry and Sev.

14/10/1975AD Harry and Sev retaliate.

16/10/1975AD Marauders and Lily dance the cancan at breakfast.

28/10/1975AD Ginny has a vision.

31/10/1975AD St Mungo's attacked. Ron discovers he is a healer. Harry becomes a part vampire and is in a coma.

09/11/1975AD Ron wakes up. Sev and the Marauders find out what happened.

05/12/1975AD Harry wakes from his coma.

08/12/1975AD Harry depressed – ignores everyone. Ginny tells Remus about the time travel. Remus tells her he is a werewolf.

09/12/1975AD Remus talks to Harry.

10/12/1975AD Sev finds out his animagus form – velociraptor.

11/12/1975AD Full moon – Ginny goes with Remus.

12/12/1975AD Ginny proposes the time travellers teach the Marauders the animagus transformation.

18/12/1975AD Christmas holidays start. Marauders find out their animagus forms.

25/12/1975AD Christmas Day – Harry shares it with his family.

03/01/1976AD Holidays end.

04/01/1976AD Sev shows Harry his Dark Mark – becomes a spy. Sev joins the Order of the Phoenix.

27/01/1976AD Sev's first Order meeting. Harry pranks the Slytherins – pretends to be Voldemort. Harry – vision – Prophecy of the Four.

28/01/1976AD Voldemort sends Dumbledore a howler. Harry tells Dumbledore about the vision.

18/02/1976AD Harry dreams – Heather captured as revenge against Harry 'Evans'.

27/02/1976AD Harry attacks Voldemort at a Death Eater meeting.

01/03/1976AD Marauders complete the animagus transformation.

02/03/1976AD Full moon – all go with Remus.

01/04/1976AD Marauders past and present spend the day pranking people.

03/04/1976AD Sev and Harry go to Diagon Alley. Harry gets lion tattoo. Diagon Alley attacked.

17/04/1976AD Hollerith tests completed.

18/04/1976AD Hollerith tests carried out.

22/04/1876AD Hollerith test results compiled.

23/04/1976AD Lily, James and Remus join the Order of the Phoenix.

24/04/1976AD Slytherin versus Gryffindor quidditch match.

28/04/1976AD Full moon – Sev questions Harry on where he goes.

30/04/1976AD Gaerwyn and Lolide plan James' birthday party. Harry visits Falaryth.

02/05/1976AD James' 16th birthday – told of his elven heritage.

24/05/1976AD Sirius tells Sev to go to the Whomping Willow on the full moon.,

26/05/1976AD Full moon – Whomping Willow incident.

27/05/1976AD Sirius punished – banned from playing pranks.

28/05/1976AD Lily breaks up with James.

14/06/1976AD Exams start.

03/07/1976AD Exams end.

10/07/1976AD Harry talks to James and Lily – they get back together.

12/07/1976AD Leaving Feast – the Great Prank – dress up as Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Harry asks Ginny out.

13/07/1976AD Harry tells Sev everything. Cast a charm on the students to make them forget the specifics of the time travellers. 'Tea tells Harry about his son and Lucifina.

25/08/1976AD Alder Hay Children's Hospital attacked. Heather rescued.

01/09/1976AD Harry tells James and Lily he is from the future. Hogwarts Express attacked. Four go to next time.


Done! This Book is finished!! Thanks everyone for being with me till here.... You all are my motivation to keep writing this series!! There are many more surprises left guys~ you all won't know what hit y'all hehe (≡^∇^≡)

I was going to update a few days before but..... I just saved it and forgot to publish it haha ( •‿•;)

Meet you all in the next book of the series Amulet of Time!!!


Amulet of Time 3: The Wolf and The PelicanWhere stories live. Discover now