Chapter 22: Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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Harry stared back at the three like a deer caught in headlights. He didn't know what to tell them, and he couldn't tell them too much without revealing things about the future. Things that, if divulged, could seriously alter time. How could he tell them that Wormtail would eventually betray them to their worst enemy? How could he tell them that everyone had assumed it was Sirius? When he thought about it, this might very well be the event that made Sirius look suspicious. After all, Remus, James and Lily were all Order members, and he wasn't. But neither was Peter. On the other hand, the fact that Peter was never asked could have been attributed to his weakness as a wizard. They were still looking at him, though, and he had to say something.

" They didn't meet our requirements."

" In what way?" Remus asked, " If I , a werewolf, could be chosen, then surely they could have been too."

" Remus, your lycanthropy was never an issue. In the Order, we don't discriminate against non-humans. We have all sorts in our ranks. Werewolves, veela, vampires like me, and even elves."

" Elves!" Lily gasped.

" Yes, elves. I asked them to join, actually. The fact that you were a werewolf wasn't even considered. We trust you, that's all that matters."

Tears welled in Remus' eyes as he realised that the Order didn't care about his condition. He was wanted for who he was, and not what he was. James smiled at his friend, and Lily gave him a hug. All too soon, though, they turned back to Harry with determined looks on their faces.

" So, you never explained why Siri and Peter aren't here," James accused.

" Look, it's not my fault," Harry defended, " I just suggested the test, I didn't write it."

" What do you mean?" Remus asked.

" You know the test you took earlier in the week? That was really to test the loyalties of the students. It would tell us who was a potential Death Eater, and who was a potential Order member. Anyone who didn't fit into either of the distinct categories was disregarded. I'm not saying that they are evil, or Voldemort supporters, I'm just saying that their loyalty to the Order was not guaranteed. This included anyone who came from a Light or Dark family but did not want to choose a side, anyone wanting to remain neutral. Also, anyone who had chosen a side but would not commit exclusively to one cause. I'm not calling your friends untrustworthy. All I'm saying is that their commitment to the Order was not guaranteed, and we saw that from the tests."

" But the tests were a load of nonsense." James exclaimed.

" Have you ever heard of the Hollerith Electric Tabulating System?"

Lily's eyes widened in recognition.

" That's the thing used in a census. With cards and holes."

" Yes, that's right. We modified it, obviously, but the basic principal remained the same. By asking a series of seemingly random questions, we could determine everyone's loyalty just by the combinations of answers they gave. After all, what Death Eater would admit to using rose scented bubble bath? They would obviously go for pine if they had to give an answer."

The other three stared at him in utter disbelief. The fact that their choice in bubble bath had determined their entry into the Order was a little beyond their comprehension.

" I still don't get it," James said.

" You don't have to understand it, just accept it," Harry sighed, " Trust me, we made sure the tests were foolproof. Maybe when they are older, and know better what they want to do with their lives, they will be asked to join the Order. After all, the tests will be conducted every year from now on. They may get in next year, or the year after. I mean, you three were lucky to be asked, being so young. We usually only accept sixth and seventh years, but this time we made an exception."

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