Chapter 16: The Dual Heir

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As soon as Harry woke up the following morning, he went to his desk and pulled out a clean piece of parchment and a loaded quill. Before he could forget it, he wrote out the piece of the prophecy he saw in his dream and read over it a few times. Some of it made sense to him, but there were also parts that didn't fit with anything. Rolling up the parchment, he put it in the pocket of his cloak, intending to go over it with Ron, Hermione and Ginny at lunch time.

After showering and dressing, he headed down to breakfast and dropped into a seat next to Sev. The younger boy gave him a worried look.

" Are you alright, Harry?"

" I'm fine, Sev."

" You just look tired. Maybe you should take some Dreamless Sleep Potion tonight. I'll make you some if you like."

" I'll be alright, Sev. I just had a strange night last night."

Sev looked over to see if the nearby Slytherins were listening, before whispering to his friend.

" Did you dream about Shirley again?"

" Yeah, I did. I'll tell you later, though. Meet me in my secret room at lunch; we'll discuss it with the other three. Hermione's smart, I might need her to interpret some things."

" Sure, I'll see you there."

Harry thought it would be best to contact everyone else, and see if they would come. As soon as the other three were all in the Great Hall, he sent them a mental message.

~Ron? Hermione? Ginny? I have something important to discuss with you. Will you meet me in my room at lunch?~



~Alright. What's up, Harry?~

~I'll tell you all about it later, 'Mione. I had a dream last night, and I know some of the Prophecy of Four~

~We'll be there. Are you bringing anyone else?~

~Sev's coming, but I think we should interpret it before we tell Dumbledore. He has more urgent things to worry about~

Harry would have told them more, but at just that moment, Lucius Malfoy came storming into the room. The Boy-Who-Lived could see the rage in his face, and started to feel a little uneasy. Although he knew he could beat him in a fight, he still remembered the adult Lucius he had met in the summer before his second year. He had been an intimidating figure to a twelve year old, and the way he looked now reminded Harry of that time.

" Anguifer, I want a word with you."

" Go ahead, Malfoy. No-one's stopping you."

" Why is my room pink?"

" That was a whole sentence, Lucius. I believe I permitted a word," Harry said with a smirk. Malfoy's look darkened.

" Just answer the question, Anguifer."

" Why would I know why your room is pink?"

" Because you were the one who changed the colour!"

" And I take it you have proof of this?"


" Calm down Lucius, you'll burst a blood vessel. You wouldn't want something like that to happen now, would you? It would ruin that Malfoy perfection now, wouldn't it?"

" I will not have you lording it over me, Anguifer. You have no right to cross a Malfoy like this."

" Really? Why would that be?"

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