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June 1978

" I can't believe we made it. We've graduated!"

" James! It's not that unbelievable."

" Moony, you know more than most how much trouble we've been in. They should have expelled us years ago."

" Padfoot, they should have expelled you years ago. We weren't that bad."

" At least we didn't try to kill anybody…"

" Lily, I thought we'd decided not to mention that again."

" Sorry, Sirius."

" Hey, everyone, I have something to announce."

" What's that, Jamie boy?"

" I want you all to be the first to know that Lily has agreed to be my wife."

" You're kidding!"

" Prongsie married? Never!"

" Congrats, you two."

" Severus, may I speak with you?"

" Of course, Professor Dumbledore."

" I have a matter to discuss with you that is of the utmost importance. I'm sorry to interrupt your graduation celebrations, but I was wondering what you were planning on doing now that you are no longer tied to Hogwarts."

" To tell you the truth, Professor, I hadn't thought that far ahead."

" Well, I have a proposition for you. It has obviously come to my attention that you have passed your Potions Mastery with honours. Professor Sewell has decided to retire, and I was wondering if you would consider taking up the position of Potions Professor."

" Are you serious."

" Completely."

" I would be delighted, Headmaster. Thank you."

" You are most welcome, Severus. Welcome to the staff."

September 1979

" Mr. Black, so good of you to join me."

" What was it you wanted to ask me about?"

" I have been observing you over the last few months, and have come to a decision."

" What might that be, headmaster."

" As you know, you have been denied membership in the Order of the Phoenix the last six times you have applied. Now, though, I believe you are finally ready to join us."

" Really!?"

" Yes."

" Thank you! Do you know how long I have wanted this?"

" Since the posters came out, I believe. The summer before your sixth year."

" If you don't mind me asking, Professor, why did you turn me down the other times?"

" That is for me to know, Mr. Black, and you to wonder about. Let me just say I was following some very sound advice from a very reliable source."

July 31st 1980


" Now, now, Lily, calm down. It can't be doing the baby any good."

" Damn you!"

" Lil, it'll be over soon. Just push for me."


" And again."

Amulet of Time 3: The Wolf and The PelicanWhere stories live. Discover now