Chapter 14: Dreams and Threats

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As soon as the Hogwarts group got back to the castle, Sev and Harry headed to the kitchens for a snack. The meeting had been draining for both of them, and they felt as if they needed a slight pick-me-up. On their way back to the Slytherin common room, Harry suddenly came up with what he thought was a wonderful idea. Smiling wickedly, he turned to a nervous looking Sev. The younger Slytherin had seen that look on his friend's face only a few times before, and the after effects weren't usually pleasant.

" What is it, Harry?"

" I've just had a most brilliant idea."

" I dread to think…."

" You might like it. How would you feel if I played a trick on the Slytherins?"

" As long as I wasn't involved, and I could watch, I wouldn't mind. Why?"

" How convincing was my Voldemort act?"

" You wouldn't!"

" Watch me."

With a malicious grin, Harry waved his hand over Sev, turning him invisible, so that the other Slytherins wouldn't see him and be suspicious. He then began to transfigure himself into the intimidating form of the Dark Lord. With a smirk, he led his Housemate back to the common room, stopping to whisper the password. When the wall opened, the chattering students didn't notice him right away, and Harry watched in amusement as he stepped in and cleared his throat. The Slytherins all turned towards the noise and froze when they saw who was standing there. With a sneer, Harry addressed them.

" What sort of a welcome is this? I had expected more respect."

Most of the students scrambled to prostrate themselves on the ground, while some simply stared at him in fear or confusion. Those who were from families who didn't support the Dark Lord didn't recognise him, but when he gave them each a cold stare, they quickly started to back up, some going so far as to run to their dormitories. As the room was organising itself, Sev slipped into a quiet corner to watch, wandlessly casting a silencing charm on himself incase he started laughing. It would ruin the whole prank if he did that. He watched as Harry strode forward, inspecting each of the crouching students, coming to a stop in front of Lucius Malfoy. When the blond boy realised he had been singled out, he started to tremble.

" Luciussss," Harry hissed, " You disappoint me."

" I apologise, my Lord."

" As you should. What do you have to say for yourself?"

" I'm sorry, my Lord. I was just surprised to see you…here."

" Am I not allowed to check up on my followers once in a while?"

" You are, my Lord. It's just…"

" Yes? I am losing my patience, Luciussss."

" My Lord, Dumbledore…"

" You think I fear that old man?"

" No, my Lord."

" You presume I am a coward?"

" No, my Lord."

" Then why do you mention his name?"

" My Lord, it is only that this is Hogwarts. It is supposed to be impenetrable…"

" Are you doubting my competence?"

" No, my Lord."

" I think you are, Luciussss, and you need to be punished."

" As you wish, my Lord."

" It is my wish, Luciussss."

Sev, standing in the corner, was having trouble holding in his laughter. Harry had backed Lucius into a corner, and the boy kept digging himself into an ever deeper hole. It was funny to see the Malfoy heir out witted and cowed. However, a minute later, Sev was shocked when Harry started to hiss.

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