Chapter 17: Dark Plans

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" Say that again."

" Minh's father was called Ethelred Gryffindor, the great great grandson of Godric Gryffindor."

" Are you sure?"

" It says so right here, Ron. Do I have to show you the page?"

" No, I believe you, it's just…"

" A lot to take in?"

" Yeah."

" How do you think I feel? All I ever wanted was to be a normal teenager, and it seems like I'm always finding out new ways in which I'm special. I hate it. I don't deserve it…"

" Harry, don't talk like that," Ginny interjected, " You have a destiny to fulfill. Not everyone can say that about themselves. The things that are special about you are simply the tools you will need to win, and fulfill your purpose."

" I know, Ginny. It's just that I don't like having a destiny. It makes me feel like I don't have any control over my life. Like I was simply a weapon created for the side of Light."

" But you're so much more than that…" Hermione said.

" No, I'm not 'Mione. Everything that has happened to us in the last two and a half years has been leading up to me defeating Voldemort. This 'heir of Gryffindor' thing is the last straw. I can't take much more of this! I hate being special, I hate being the saviour of the wizarding world, I hate being the bloody Boy-Who-Lived!"

" Harry, calm down, mate. You don't have a choice."

" I know! That's the problem. Ever since my first year I've been maneuvered into this position where I can take on the Dark Lord. Dumbledore manipulated me into being the perfect Gryffindor, even before I tried the Sorting Hat on. Ever since, he's been pushing me into more and more dangerous situations in preparation for what he knew I would have to do one day."

" Harry! Don't talk about Professor Dumbledore like that!" Hermione said indignantly, " He's the only adult we can trust…"

" Open your eyes, Hermione! He's using us! I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and the more I think about everything that's happened, the more I can see how he's been manipulating everything in his favour. Who in their right mind lets three eleven year olds face a Dark Lord single handed? A Dark Lord so notorious, people fear to speak his name fourteen years after he supposedly died? Dumbledore knows everything that happens in this school, so you can't tell me he didn't know what we were up to. He did give me the invisibility cloak after all. And since we came back in time, he uses us as much as possible. We are usually the first line of defence in battle, even though we are only students."

" Harry, you don't get it, do you," Ginny whispered, " We are the first line of defence because we're good. We know more than anyone here, and we have skills that can be used against the Death Eaters. It's not some big plot to use you; it's a compliment if anything."

" Ginny, you know as well as I do that Dumbledore doesn't trust me…"

" What do you mean?!" Ginny asked in shock.

" He hates all things Dark. Ever since Percy's death, he's mistrusted me to some extent. He knows the type of magic I use, and he doesn't agree with it at all. If he wasn't using me for his own ends, do you really think someone as Light as Dumbledore would allow powerful Dark Magic to be practiced in his school? I mean, I've even been teaching Sev some Dark curses, despite my better judgment, because I know in his position he will need all the help he can get."

" But don't you see," Hermione pleaded, " Dumbledore only trusts Severus because you do. He was cautious about a Death Eater from the start, especially considering Satanus Snape and the damage he's done. He trusted you when you said Severus was on the side of Light, so you can't say he doesn't trust you."

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