Chapter 21: Initiation

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It took three days for the results of the test to be worked out. Although it didn't take that long to calculate the results, Harry insisted they be checked several times before possible Order candidates were selected. The younger years had been dismissed out of hand, as they weren't old enough to be of any real use in a practical capacity. Their results were filed away for future reference, though, and those deemed suitable would be retested at a later date. Those in the top three years were narrowed down to fourteen possible candidates.

At breakfast the day after the results came in, the fourteen chosen ones all received owls from the headmaster. The time travellers and Sev watched as the owls circled the Great Hall and landed in front of the surprised students. The envelopes were a rich gold colour, and on the front of each was written 'URGENT - DO NOT OPEN IN THE PRESENCE OF OTHERS'. Most of the fourteen took their letters and shoved them in their bags, to open when they got to their rooms, or if they had any time alone during the day. At the Gryffindor table, though, one person was already ripping into the letter, a cluster of friends waiting eagerly to find out what was inside. Harry spotted this, and sent Dumbledore an amused look. He then nudged Sev in the ribs and discreetly pointed across the Hall. Seconds later, red smoke was billowing out of the envelope and surrounding the startled group. A loud, indiscriminate voice filled the Hall, gaining the attention of the staff and all four Houses.


When the smoke started to clear, the people affected started to scream as they caught their first looks at their scarlet stained skin.

" Harry, can I come?"

" I don't think it would be wise, Sev."

" But I want to see who gets in..."

" You'll see at the next Order meeting."

" I can't wait till then!"

" Sev, patience is a virtue. Take it from someone who learned that lesson the hard way."

" How?"

" You really don't want to know."

" Yes I do."

" No you don't."

" Do."

" Don't."

" Do."

" Don't! Ok, can we focus for a minute?"

Sev gave his friend a sheepish look and scuffed the toe of his boot on the floor. The pair had been sitting in Harry's room for the last hour discussing the meeting planned for later that day. The letters sent to the potential Order members were only a preliminary invitation. The selected students were to go to Dumbledore's office that evening where they would be offered places in the Order of the Phoenix. Those who agreed would be tested by Fawkes, and Harry would perform the final spells needed. Sev wanted to go too, as he did help with the test, and knew some of those invited, but Harry didn't think it would be a good idea. After all, those who didn't get in would know who the Order spy was, and Harry didn't want there to be any chance of his friend being compromised.

" Harry, please, I won't get in the way..."

" No! You can't be seen to be a member by anyone who could potentially let it slip to a Death Eater or a Death Eater child. It would uncover you, and Shirley wouldn't take kindly to a spy in his ranks."

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