Chapter 24: Lunar Lunacy

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"I want to commentate!"

"Can I be referee?"

"We can be Beaters."

"Lily and Harry will be the Seekers of course."

"I want to be a Chaser."

"What about Keepers?"

"James will have to be a Chaser, of course."

" I've never been on a broom before…"

Everyone gave Lolide an incredulous look before shaking their heads and continuing with the plans. The two elves had explained to James who and what they were, and the boy had taken it very well. In fact, the idea that he was closely related to the mythical elves delighted him. When the group, who had picked up Dumbledore on the way, turned up at the quidditch pitch, James had a huge grin on his face. When Sirius asked him what was going on, he just got a happy shrug in reply. As the others were arguing about who was going to play which position and on what team, James found Harry and pulled him off to one side.

" Hey, James, what's up?"

" You know what's up. How could you speak to my Aunt Lolide in her own language?"

" How do you know it was elvish?"

" My mother told me. She was near enough to overhear the pair of you, as I was. I asked her on the way down, and she told me to speak to you."

" Well, it's sort of a long story. I really don't want to go into it right now. I tell you what, I'll tell you a bit now, and we'll finish this on September 1st."

" Why September 1st? That's a long way off!"

" Yes, but it would be the best time to tell you. Trust me."

" If you insist. What can you tell me now?"

" Put it this way, I've met Gaerwyn and Lolide before. A long time ago. Didn't you think it was strange when I greeted them as warmly as you when they first got here?"

" I thought it was because you knew them from the Order…"

" No, I've known them a long time. Two years ago, Lolide was my teacher. She taught me a lot about elves, and their ways. One of the things I learned was their language. I've made several trips to the elven world, where I honed my skills. That's why I speak elvish so fluently. Not many people know this, but I'm part elf as well."

" Really? So you know a lot about my family."

" You could say that."

" Do you think Aunt Lolide will teach me?"

" I'm not sure. You'll have to ask her."

" If she says no, will you teach me?"

" No."

" Why not?!"

" Because the secrets of the elves aren't mine to tell."

" But…."

" No, James, that's my final answer. If Lolide won't teach you, ask your mother."

" Alright," James sighed in resignation, " I guess we should break up the argument before they remember they have wands."

Harry looked over to where the rest of the party guests were standing. Most of them were engaged in a heated argument about the teams and the positions. The adults and the ghosts were off to one side, watching in amusement and the youngsters battled it out. Eventually, Dumbledore saw that they were getting nowhere and strode forward to settle the matter.

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