Chapter 30: Where Do We Go From Here?

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Harry finally got his chance to do something about Heather the week before he was due to leave. An emergency meeting was called in the middle of the night, much to Harry's annoyance. The closer it came to September 1st, the harder the time travellers had been finding it to sleep. They were all wondering what was going to happen to them when they got back to their own time. The main problem they had been having was deciding whether they would be arriving at the time they left, or three years on. The thought of what their families would say if they had been missing for three years was rather disturbing, so they tried not to think about it too much. They preferred to think that no time had passed, and that they would find themselves in their compartment on the Hogwarts Express, with Hedwig in her cage and Peter Pettigrew locked in a jar. They had to consider all eventualities, though, and were prepared to arrive in 1998.

The other thing they found themselves worrying about was whether they would be going back to their own time this year. The book about the amulet hadn't been very accurate on that matter, saying that it could be three or four trips. They thought, though, that because they were so close to the time they left, it was unlikely they would make another stop. Harry couldn't help but worry that they would end up in 1981. He would hate to be sitting in a dorm room the night his parents were killed, knowing there was nothing he could do to prevent it.

When the call came in the middle of the night, the four made their way discreetly to the ball room of Domus Corvus Corax, turning themselves invisible before they entered through the main doors. They were some of the first to arrive, as they didn't have to floo or apparate in from anywhere. The only ones that were there before them were the Potters, Lolide and Gaerwyn. Harry made his way over to the eldest elf, and gently rested his hand on her arm to get her attention. She jumped slightly at the contact, but relaxed when she realised who it must be.

" What's going on, Lolide?" Harry asked her in a whisper.

" I'm not sure," she replied, " I just know that Albus seems to be very agitated. I think there's another attack, but I can't say for sure. It's the only thing that would get him this worried. You know how calm and collected he always is."

" I know. It takes a lot to make him visibly concerned."

" What's going on, Harry," came a voice to the boy's left. He turned, and found himself staring into thin air. Concentrating a little, he could make out the magical signatures of three invisible people standing in a group at his side. He realised that the other time travellers hadn't understood his conversation with the elf, as they had been speaking in her native tongue.

" We're not sure, Ron, but Dumbledore seems worried. I don't think we'll have to wait long, though. Most of the Order council's here already."

Sure enough, as Harry spoke the last of the council members came in through the main doors and took their place at the round table. The four time travellers hid themselves in the dark corners of the room as extra cover and began to listen in to the conversation. After clapping to get everyone's attention, Dumbledore stood up to address the crowd.

" Ladies and gentlemen, we have a rather serious situation on our hands. Our spy, Severus Snape, has sent me an owl informing me of an attack that is due to begin in the morning. The attack will be at Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool. It is a Muggle institute for sick children, and he plans to annihilate it. We cannot let this happen, for it would be a great tragedy for the Muggles."

" What are we going to do about it?" Eustace asked.

" I think the best course of action would be full defence. If we move quickly, we might even be able to evacuate the hospital before any of the Death Eaters turn up. It would save us all a lot of worry, and we would be more likely to win. This is the big one, people. Voldemort will have more Death Eaters at this attack than at any previous to this. He doesn't know we are forewarned, so let us make the most of it. I want each of you to contact the members you are in charge of, and let them know about this. We need everyone we can get, as our numbers are dwindling. We will meet here in two hours. Dismissed."

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