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All rights reserved...@brightlights101

Three sticks laid on the edge of a single use restroom sink. All three sticks had two solid blue lines. All indicating that she was pregnant. They laid there, taunting her for her one stupid, toe curling mistake. Her worst nightmare was coming true only at the ripe age of twenty-two. She couldn't believe how stupid she could've been.

The clubs number one rule was to never go home with the client who you danced privately for. Because it would always lead to two things: obtaining an STD or getting pregnant. Fortunately, she didn't get a sexually transmitted disease, but getting pregnant wasn't the greatest latter either. The poor young girl didn't know what to do as she looked at herself with blood shot eyes from crying silently and harshly in the restroom of the strip club.

Before she could collect herself, abrupt harsh knocks sounded from behind the door. It could only be one person. Her boss.

"Andrea!" Stella, the middle aged woman yelled. "You are going on in five minutes! What is taking you so long?"

"I'll be out in a minute!" Andrea yelled back.

She wiped her tear stained face and threw the three pregnancy tests at the bottom of the trash can before stepping out of the bathroom. Stella was standing on the right side of the bathroom with her arms folded and a critical eye jolted Andrea's way.

"You know we are on a tight schedule, I can't have you all running late. It would give us a bad reputation," they walked and talked as they made their way to the girls dressing room.

"I know, Stella," Andrea huffed, sitting down at her vanity. "It won't happen again."

"Damn right," Stella firmly nodded. As Andrea didn't make a snarky comment back, Stella could tell by the girls pale expression that something was wrong.

Stella sits down next to her, examining her. "Are you okay?"

Stella may be a hard headed woman, but she always cared deeply for her girls. No one messed with her girls if she didn't add in her two cents.

"I'm okay. Just tired is all," Andrea assured with a smile as she touched up her make-up.

"Okay," Stella warily says. "Let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Thank you."

The night proceeded without a hit. The girls all got their monies worth and it was time to close up shop.

Andrea walked out the front doors with her fake parka wrapped snuggly against her body. It was a chilly November night. Light snow flurries littered the sky. There was nothing more satisfying then to watch snowflakes fall and dance through the breeze.

But as most nights, Andrea always felt like someone was watching her. She could never prove it no matter how many times she told the bouncers that she felt like she was being stalked. Leaving her uneasy each time she left the club.

Except until that very moment when a pair of headlights shine brightly in front of her. She puts her hand up in front of her face to shield the blinding lights. Once her eyes adjusted, she looks straight ahead to see a black Cadillac with tinted windows right across from her. The drivers side window rolls down an inch, a puff of smoke exits out the window. It sits there, the occasional puff of smoke was the only indication someone was watching her.

Scared out of her wits, Andrea all but dashes to her car. She climbs in after fiddling with the lock from her nerves and speeds off home where she lives in a large, overbearing, family crowded cul-de-sac. Her father was the head of the family and wanted his family close to keep safe from unwanted guests that may want to harm him and or his family.

Andrea came from a strong headed Italian family. There wasn't a day that goes by that Andrea wasn't grateful for how close-knit her family was. If anyone was in trouble, someone was always available to help. Especially during these tough times where a new mafia took over the entire country of Europe, everyone was worried for their safety.

As Andrea got to her little home that was sat in between her parents and her eldest brother, she gets to her front door and looks over her shoulder towards her grandparents house. The light from their living room window switches off. Ever since Andrea started working late, with a job none of her family knows about, her grandparents always made sure she came home safe. Which meant staying up at all hours of the night until their granddaughter came home.

Andrea walks into her home, meandering through the dark to find her way to the kitchen where she pours herself a glass of water and takes it to her bedroom. After a few sips, she places the glass down on her nightstand, going into her bathroom where she turns on her shower and undresses. 

Andrea looks at her naked body through her bathroom mirror. Her hand subconsciously moves down to her belly, thinking to herself that there is a baby growing inside of her. It was uncanny and almost unbelievable to witness what a woman could magically carry inside of her. 

She turns to her side to see if there was any indication of a bump. There wasn't. But she knew there would be in the next couple of months. And even though she would love to share the news of her pregnancy with her parents she knew they would disapprove. They would be disheartened for the fact she was unmarried and the father was nowhere to be found. She didn't even know his name. She knew her parents wouldn't be happy. At least not as happy as she was the more she thought about the idea of having a baby.

After taking a shower, Andrea puts on a silk nightgown and lays in bed, rubbing her belly as the names for her unborn baby ran through her head. It almost made her giddy as she pictured her life nine months from now. But it also scared her. Even though she helped her older siblings with their children and watched them grow, this baby was now going to be hers and her responsibility to protect and love unconditionally.

Andrea just hoped that her family wouldn't look at her as a disappointment, especially if they found out that she worked as a stripper. That was still something she kept from them. But she only took the job three years ago to help out her fathers struggling restaurant. She hated to see her father struggle, and even though he is too prideful to admit he needs help financially, he needed the extra money. And even though he was against taking her money, his wife, her mother convinced him that when things get easier and they get more business he could pay her back when he can. That was the only way he would take it.

Andrea just hopes that someday her family would understand that she had to do what she had to to keep her parents from going under. And that this baby was going to be a part of that even if it does not have a father. If they don't, the only thing she can do is cut ties and raise this child by herself. Even though it wasn't ideal she had to do what was best for her and her baby.

As Andrea thought more about how her family would react and her expecting a baby, her head went back to who could possibly be stalking her. It wasn't rare that a stripper was followed or even stalked from a creep who got too obsessive over the girls. The last time she was harrassed by an over obsessive man was the first year she was dancing. After that, security was amplified and there hasn't been much action since. Until now that is.

Usually, Andrea wouldn't be as concerned, but now that she is pregnant her fear slowly seeped in. It wasn't just her that she was looking after but now an unborn baby. All she can do is watch out for herself and carry pepper spray and a taser and hope for the best. There is nothing more dangerous than a hormonal mother who will do anything for her young. Or she thought there wasn't.

A/N: Hi everyone, some of you may be followers of my other stories and some of you may be new and entering the world in which I like to create for all my fellow readers. I hope all of you will give this new book a chance and let me know what you think of it.

I don't have a set schedule on updates, but I will most definitely try my best to give you something to read soon. I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. Also, let me know if this is a book worth writing.

Vote. Comment. Smile. 

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