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Two weeks had flown by and the news that Matteo Salvatore was married swirled around Europe like a wild fire. No one knew of the mystery woman who bedded the notorious mafia don Europe has ever seen. Nobody could believe that anyone would be sane enough to marry him.

Have sex with him, totally believable, almost every woman did. But to be locked down by him, they'd rather change their names and identities. Everyone knew how intimidating, cruel, sadistic and territorial he was. He was the spitting image of his father and everything he believed in: Control and Power.

But there was a strong and curious desire to know who this brave woman was and why she went through with marrying him.

Many believed they had kept their love hidden from the public eye, while some believed it was arranged or a forced marriage. No one knew what to think but they all wanted answers but were too scared to ask.

Andrea sat at her local clinics lobby, waiting to be called back for her 1st trimester ultrasound. This was the crucial stage of her pregnancy that she had to get through. And if she remembers reading from online articles, at this stage the baby should be on the right track for development.

Originally, Andrea was going to see Ricardo's wife, Mia from now on, but a family emergency pulled her away to Matteo's demise. He wanted Andrea to wait until Mia got back but Andrea knew her doctor was just as good as Mia. And plus, there was already a set appointment after her first appointment with her doctor. Of course Matteo didn't want to believe that, but Ricardo reassured him that Mia did her research and confirmed that Andrea's doctor was good enough to see.

She had invited him to this appointment but he refused. She had wondered if it was because he didn't want the attention and she explained he could just come in from the back.

Andrea was upset, thinking he didn't want any part of this experience until he explained why.


"I don't understand why you won't go. It can't possibly be because Mia isn't doing it," her arms remained crossed as she looks at Matteo in disbelief.

Matteo runs his hand through his hair, hating having to explain his reasonings. He wasn't used to it. People just did what they were told and never questioned him.

"No one knows you're my wife, except for a select few-"

"And some of Rahelio's men," she adds.

Andrea has been keeping count of all who knows and that included them. It was good to keep tabs just in case. Especially since they were the select few who he let go as a warning to those who would try and overpower him.

And Andrea didn't know how close of an eye he actually had on them.

"Yes, but they were instructed to keep that to themselves."

"How can you be so sure that-"

"Stop talking, you're getting me off track."

She goes to open her mouth in protest before he narrows his eyes at her as a warning. Her lips purse together and she stands there waiting for him to continue.

"I do not need everyone knowing right now."

Andrea hurriedly speaks, "I thought that's what you wanted."

Matteo pinches the bridge of his nose, "what did I say about talking."

She remains silent after finally seeing that he was being more serious than usual. Something was wrong and she was being an idiot right now.

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