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All rights reserved...@brightlights101

3 weeks later...

Andrea found herself in the backseat of a Phantom Rolls-Royce, cruising down a countryside highway, with open green land that housed sparse dwellings, and large scattered trees. It was a beautiful sun filled day. There were no clouds in sight.

Even through the tinted windows, she could feel the heat of the sun. She couldn't wait to step out of the car that she's been sitting in for over five hours and stretch her legs and breathe in the fresh air.

This moment wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for Matteo. Ever since the incident, he was so hyper focused on finding the unidentified person that the days became a blur. There was no amount of reassurance that Andrea could give him that would ease his mind. All she could do was let him work and when he was ready to come back to reality she'd find a way to recenter him.

But unfortunately, there was another incident that involved a hidden camera found in her home. That was Matteo's last straw, which now has led her in this backseat. It seemed like they couldn't catch a break. And so he sent her away for a little while so he can focus on finding how who is threatening his family.

Eventually, the car started to slow down. She sits up and notices a dwelling made out of cobblestone come into view. It was massive. It took her breath away.

They slowly drove down the winding dirt road. Beautifully detailed bushes were lined up and down the driveway. As they approached the home, it's old rustic appearance and it's woven in vines stretched up the side and seeped their way into the cobblestone.

Her door was open by her driver, extending a hand and helping her out.

The driver went to the trunk and pulled out a duffel bag and a suitcase. Just as they were about to walk towards the front door, it opens. Out steps Rosa and Giuseppe, Matteo's grandparents.

Rosa doesn't waste a second and shuffles towards Andrea with open arms. She can still remember what her hugs felt like. The last time she saw them was at the wedding.

They pull away, with hands intertwined. Rosa gets a good look at the young woman, with a bright smile.

"You look absolutely beautiful," she joyfully compliments. "Pregnancy looks good on you."

Andrea thanks her. Giuseppe steps in, giving her a hug as well. "It's so good to see you," he grins.

Andrea smiles. "You have a beautiful home," she's says with admiration. This was a home she could see herself living in.

"Thank you. It's been passed down through generations," Rosa says, walking them into the dwelling, the driver following in to drop off her belongings.

The inside of the home was just as beautiful as the outside. You can notice that it had gone under some renovations through the years, but the old, rustic, cozy interior kept its history alive.

"Let me show you to your room," Giuseppe takes her belongings from the driver, directing her towards the right side of the home on the second floor. Despite her hatred for stairs, Giuseppe promised she'd like the room they cleaned out for her.

And he was right, she loved the room.

It was a off white cobble stone room with round door arches, with an open double door balcony. A nice fresh breeze blows in, the hairs on her arms stand up. Even though they were in the new year, and the weather was slightly improving, it still felt cold, but not enough to wear her parka.

There were two large pained windows, with long, white see through drapes. It had high vaulted ceilings with a hanging light feature.

There was a vanity and a rocking chair perched in their designated corners. And pictures lined the walls with no specific importance but to give the room some character and comfort.

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