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All rights reserved...@brightlights101

They drove to his home, which she still considered to be a resort hotel because normal people live in homes that were generically two stories with a white picket fence. Not a place that looked to house fifty people and hold a lavish event. A home was to cater to the family and make everyone feel welcomed not feared.

As soon as they parked in his garage that was underground, Andrea couldn't help but feel her stomach turn into knots. Her façade of being strong was diminishing as she realized she was no longer in control of anything. This was a new environment.

They walked into the house from the garage door. She follows him like a lost puppy, something she hated because she had to rely on him.

They get into the foyer, stopping at the stairs.

"My room is up the stairs, to the left at the end of the hallway," he tells her, about to leave to god knows where in the house.

"No," she stops him in his tracks. "I want my own room."

Matteo turns around, rubbing the scruff on his chin with a challenging chuckle that wasn't at all funny.

"I don't think you are in any position to be making any demands."

"I'm sorry but I think I get two votes here. One being me and the other being the child I am carrying. And we want our own room." She stands her ground. "So, I don't think you're in any position to tell me what I should do. Now, I am going to look for a room that is so far away from you, I won't even realize where I am and who I am with. Goodnight."

Andrea climbs the floating stairs which she also despised for the sake anyone could fall and snap their neck. Another reason this place was no place for children. This place was a death trap.

Instead of turning left, where his room sat at the end of the hallway, mocking her, she turns to her right. She tries the first door. Locked. She tries the next, it was also locked. Thinking that this was merely a coincidence, she tries the rest of the doors. They were all locked.

Matteo remains at the bottom of the stairs, when he hears her shout, "you've got to be kidding me!" He grins, leaving to the backyard patio where he takes out a cigar and lighter.

Ricardo approaches him, with a lit cigar of his own.

He mutters between puffs, "you've got yourself a handful with that one."

"Don't remind me," they chuckle.

Ricardo carries on with conversation, "so, now that you got her, how are you going to keep her?"

"Use her fathers business against her to make her marry me for starter's," Matteo sucks in a puff of smoke, then slowly exhaling. "Then get her to somehow fall in love with me."

"How's that working out?"

"Harder than I thought," he admits with a grin. "But I have to say, I picked a good one, si?"

As soon as he said those words, they hear Andrea shout from his bedroom window, "I hate you, Matteo!" They laugh.

After Matteo finished his cigar and rapped things up with Ricardo, he walks up to his bedroom. She wasn't anywhere within the room itself but the bathroom. He could hear the shower on. As he pushed the door open to the bathroom, he walks in to see the glass surrounding the shower was fogged in. All he could see was the outline of her body.

Matteo starts to remove his clothes, dropping them off to the side and walking in from behind her. He notices her body tense at the realization she knew he was there. He loved the way her body reacted to him. Even though he knew she tried to conceal it, it would never go unnoticed by him.

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