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All rights reserved...@brightlights101

Andrea woke up early the next day, staring at the ring that now laid on her hand. It all happened so fast. None of it felt real. She pinched herself hoping it was all a bad dream, but the harder she pinched the redder her skin became.

She lays her hands on her stomach, looking up at the ceiling mirror and letting out a sigh.

Her eyes dart across the mirror to a sound asleep Matteo. She rolls over on her side, propping herself up on her arm to stare directly at his face. Even asleep he looked angry and pained.

Taking her hand, Andrea runs her fingers across his forehead, smoothing out his lines. And almost instantly, his face softened.

Her stomach flutters at the reaction. Her featherlike touch still seemed to ease his demons after all those weeks they had met.

She continues on down his face, sliding her index finger down his nose then over his... lips.

Andrea so desperately wanted to kiss him but her disdain towards him was too strong to divulge in such extraneous activities. But it didn't stop her sexual arousal from pooling in between her thighs.

"God, I hate you," she whispers, trailing her finger across his parted lips. "But I can't stop thinking about you."

She thinks to herself, Why couldn't you have been a fisherman or for gods sake the mailman.

As her finger laid rested on his parted lips, she whispers, "just this once."

It was almost like she had no control of her body as she inched towards him, her face lowering down to his. She could feel his warm breath hit her cheek. She was almost in a trance. A trance that was filled with a hot, painful desire to jump his bones and throw caution out the window.

Just this once, she tells herself again.

Andrea lays her hand on the side of his face as she stares from his lips to his eyes for any indication that he was awake, but he remained asleep. She draws herself in, inching closer until only a centimeter separated them. Closing her eyes, their lips brush against each other.

A low groan escapes her mouth as she painfully squeezes her thighs together. And just before she could dive in, her daze is broken when she hears laughter coming from downstairs.

Her eyes open and she jumps back, cursing under her breath.

What are you doing, Andrea. Snap out of it!

Face palming herself internally, Andrea slides out of bed and starts up a scorching hot shower.

What she didn't know was that as soon as the door closed, laid completely awake was Matteo who showed more restrain any man could withhold. It took everything within him to not have taken control over that situation. His hands had twitched under the sheets from bringing her in and devouring every inch of her delicious body. But he let her have the control because her actions told him that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. There was no denying it.

Fifteen minutes go by and Andrea exits the bathroom with a towel wrapped loosely around her, as he sat on the edge of the bed, shirtless and in a pair of grey sweat pants. It stops her dead in her tracks. She rakes him up and down and her cheeks become inflamed.

"Good-," her voice cracks. She clears her throat out of embarrassment. "Good morning."

"Morning," his deep, groggy voice sends a chill down her spine and a warm, gradual sensation arises once again between her legs.

Anything this man did, there was no doubt she wasn't going to be sexually aroused by him.

She uses her dripping curls to hide her arousal and obvious embarrassment.

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