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All rights reserved...@brightlights101

Andrea was sweeping up the last of the debris in her father's restaurant. After their final week of hard labor, the entire place was completely gutted. Decades of history just wiped away by one man who craved power: Rahelio. Part of her is glad he was dead, but another part hated that it resulted in such a violent way.

Swiping the back of her hand across her forehead, she jolts when her father places a hand on her shoulder.

He hands her a glass of water. She takes it and guzzles half of it down.

"This place looks unrecognizable," they look around, both with sad faces.

"It's almost like the place never existed," she mutters.

Patrizio hums in response.

"But!" He exclaims. "The painters will come in and get this place looking brand new."

"About that," she swallows nervously. "The mural-"

"Oh, yes! I'll have to find someone who can paint us a family mural. They have to be really good and capture the essence of what this family stands for."


"But where can I find one? I don't know anyone-"

"Papa!" She raises her voice over his. "I want to do the mural."

"Oh," his eyes widen. "I, well-"

"Please, papa," she pleads. There isn't anything else in the world she'd love to do more than create the next family mural, especially with all the new additions.

Andrea stared at her father as he contemplated his decision. Even though he has never seen any of her drawings or paintings, he decided to give her a chance.

Andrea engulfs her father into a tight hug. She hasn't given him a hug like this in a long time but he savored every second of it. Never did he think painting a mural would uplift her spirits. He couldn't wait to see what she would come up with.

As she pulls away, her eyes were wide with excitement. She couldn't contain the bliss she was feeling.

Andrea goes on to tell him what she needed to start. Thinking she would have to come up with the money, she didn't have to this time. Instead, her father said he would take care of it. It had been a tough 3 years and her father never has since then been able to buy what she needed. She wonders what has changed.

"I can get it to you by the end of the week," he tells her.

"Thank you, papa," she smiles.

"Of course, amore mio." My love.


Later that evening, Andrea walked into the foyer of Matteo's home. It was quiet as usual. She kicked off her shoes, took her coat off and purse, hanging it on a hook. Walking barefoot she was headed to the kitchen, craving chocolate when she heard weeping coming from the living room.

Andrea tenses up, wondering who could be here. Since living with Matteo the only people she knew of on this estate was Ugo, and the men that patrolled the area.

Andrea grabs a knife, moving quietly. As she inches closer around the corner, the weeps became louder. It was a woman. Peeking around the wall, the woman's back was to her. She was hunched over, clutching one of the pillows on the couch.

Jumping out with the knife pointed, Andrea stands up tall and raises her voice at the intruder.

"Don't move!" She shouts. The woman sits up straight, with her back still to Andrea. "I have a knife. Make one move and I'll have no problem stabbing you."

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