🥀Chapter 8🥀

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"Light is easy to love, Show me your darkness"


In Nigeria the Yoruba people have a strong way with words, they tend to be very unique in their descriptions therefore they depict words in that manner when it comes to their language.

Being part Yoruba I had picked up some words over the years thanks to my mother and one that stood out the most at the moment was the word "eletan" meaning deceptive.

And that seemed to describe Alexanders aura perfectly.

According to my mother beauty is fickle without character, she taught my sister and I that being beautiful would only fade away with time and an ugly persontality would always crawl through chasing others way. Knowing her she wanted  Za and I to understand that physical beauty isn't everything and wanted to be specially point out me out as a lost cause.

But I'm pretty sure she'd eat her words right now if she took a good look at Alexander.

With his ridiculously fit build, beautiful onyx hair, high defined face structure, pouty lips, and an ass that had to be firmer than Rose Botox ingested face I couldn't help but wonder if the guy was even real.

Then there were his eyes.

An eerie mismatched color of electric blue and forest green, giving him a dangerously sexy look that made him seem like he was crafted just for the temptation of mankind.

And judging from the looks he was getting from around the room, I wasn't the only one who thought that.

It wasn't hard to tell that everyone in the room wanted to jump his bones, but it also wasn't hard to feel the warning bells that Alexander exuded.

He was dangerous, not in the high-school bad boy way but in a way that you could tell was darkness personified. Call me psychic but he wasn't like the rest of us, in fact, he didn't seem to belong here in this room filled with socially awkward misfits with various ranges of disorders.

He seemed more like the psychotic criminal kind of guy.

I could tell he was trouble and as our eyes clashed in the room I knew I had met a match, someone darker than anything I had ever seen. He was hiding something that couldn't be seen with the naked eyes that I knew for sure.

"Please take a seat Alexander, we were just in the middle of introductions."

Ignoring her he let his gaze wander the room and took the only available seat which was quite conveniently by blabbermouth Barbie Rebecca who already had her assets out for all to see and fluttering her eyes like she was suffering from pink eye.

It was beyond comical.

Too bad Alexander had his eyes trained somewhere else.

More specifically he was staring right at me, his mismatched eyes almost glowing.

Not deterred I stared right back, I could tell me averting my eyes would give him a weird sort of pleasure.

Too bad I was never one to back down.

"Alright" Mrs. Chesterfield clapped as if to shake everyone from their Alexander induced, "where were we, oh yes I was just finishing up with Bernard who's next please?"

And that's how the rest of the session went, Mrs. Chesterfield probing everyone and once it was my turn I was more than ready to call it quits, turns out Alexander's stare coupled with the invisible stench of psychos was a total turn off for me.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now