🥀Chapter 9🥀

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"A psychopath can tell what you're thinking but what they don't do is feel what you feel. These are people without a conscience."

~Robert D. Hare~

He's here.

The door downstairs slams open and I can hear my mother screaming at him from there, crying about him getting so drunk again.

Then I hear a smack, then another and another her screams resonating across the house as the sound of hands punching flesh continues.

"It's your fault" he screams drunkenly, "you gave birth to that monster and look where it got us."

Someone squeezes my hand and I turn to Za's fear stricken eyes.

"He's hitting mum again" she sobs as I stare blankly at her, "Zuri I can't take another hit tonight it's too painful." She cries uncontrollably.

I just stare at her, not feeling anything but knowing he's doing something wrong.

"I won't let him touch you" I tell her, letting her hold me.

"Why would he call you that, you're not a monster" she sniffles eyes red and puffy.

I just shrug knowing that isn't entirely true

Then I hear the commotion startup again, my mother screaming for him not to go upstairs.

"I'll kill that abomination if I have to" he snarled trudging up the stairs, "she's the reason for all this and I won't spare her."

"She's only a child please" my mother screams and then I hear another slap and more sobbing.

"Zuri" he bellows making his way up the stairs, "you better get your ass up."

Za's eyes are now wide with fear but I feel nothing, just waiting patiently to see what he wants to do next.

"Hide under the bed" I instruct my sister who looks torn, "I said go, you really want him to hit you too"

She scurries under the bed at that statement and just in time too because he has reached the door.

He kicks it open revealing his disheveled appearance and red rimmed eyes.

But what grabs my attention is the belt in his hand.

He takes a menacing step forward.

"Ezra please don't"

My mum screams out appearing at the door her nose bloody and a black eye forming on her left eye.

This seems to upset him more because he takes out the belt and whacks her across her face making her scream in pain.

I hear little sniffles from beneath the bed.

"Look at the little freak" he sneers eyes full of hatred, "look at the monster you're protecting she doesn't even care that I hit you she doesn't feel a thing because because she's a psychopath."

And with those words he charges at me eyes full of fury.

And I just sit there and stare.

I feel the first whack, the leather belt tearing into my skin and I don't bat an eyelid relishing the pain and I know it makes him angrier as I make no sounds and welcome his hits, his breathing gets harder and well as his aim and I don't know how long he hits me but then I slowly feel myself lose consciousness his harsh words vibrating within my brain.

The last thing I hear is Za's screams and everything goes black.


I snap out of my day dreaming to look at Poppy who is staring at me curious.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now