🥀Chapter 5🥀

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"Insanity- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world"

~R.D. Laing~

Social hierarchy has always been something that Zarene and I had struggled with, me for reasons being I simply did not give a fuck what society said, and even if I were piss poor, I'd still give those above me a hard time if they thought they could trample all over me.

But Zarene was a different case entirely.

Since she was little, she had always been easy to walk all over, she let people belittle her so it was no surprise when her self-esteem hit a whole new low. Even though we were quite wealthy, she always belittles herself till it was way too tragic to fix.

One day when I had asked her why she had told me, all she wanted was a little equality in the world, and the change was going to start with her.

But I guess that wouldn't be possible because she was dead and now I'm all alone.

As I said, Barkley was no newbie to the hierarchy game; I mean, even as I made my way into the empty classroom, I could tell they were assessing me.

If I ever wanted to be at the top, I would have to be a monster.

It was the only way to put all these sheep in their place and show them that I was the shepherd, and they were my brainwashed bitches.

All of them.

Spotting a desk that wasn't at the forefront or far back, I made my claim, dumping all my stuff down and having a seat.

Not even up to a minute later, a rather chubby girl with dark hair and chubby cheeks marched over to me, her eyes unwelcoming.

"That's my sit newbie."

Now Zarene had always said that I should always avoid the little things that could potentially blow out of proportion, so if she were in my shoes, shed quickly scurry off to avoid confrontation.

Too bad I was always itching for trouble

I simply stared her down, an utterly bored expression on my face.


Obviously expecting the opposite reaction, she seemed to really pause, letting her guard down for a second.

And that was when I looked at her like really looked at her.

From her windblown hair to her scruffy uniform, I could tell she wasn't all that, must be somewhere below or mid middle of the hierarchy, so was a waste of my damn time.

"You're all up in my face, and that's something I honestly can't stand, so why not move along now that you know your size has no effect on me."

Utterly shocked at my statement, she shrank back a bit; the following snickers around me seemed to do more of the trick because she shuffled awkwardly away from me.

Disappointed, she hadn't at least tried to fight me on this. I rolled my eyes, and discreetly looked around the class.

They were all staring right at me, not even trying to hide it.

It made me smile a bit.

"That was so cool."

Confused, I turned to the source of the voice.

A pretty redhead with glossy hair and a friendly smile looked right at me.
Searching for some sort of hostility in her blue-green eyes, I came up short.

She was actually being nice?

"Wow, you're so gorgeous," her eyes sparkled as she spoke animatedly to me, "it's not every day we get to see a new face in Barkley; I mean, my morning had been so boring before you came and gave put big mitch in her place and...."

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