🥀Chapter 34🥀

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"The broken will always be able to love harder than most. Once you have been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines."

~Zachary K. Douglas ~


Humming slightly I drive into the compound, making sure to pack all my shit as I head out and make my way towards the house.

"Miss" my mothers maid opens the door and closes it softly after me, ushering me out of my coat.

I don't spare her a glance as my eyes train on another coat on the rack.

An unfarmiliar coat.

"Someone's here"

It's not a question.

Nodding with a smile the maid gestures towards the living room.

"Yes Miss, she said she's a friend of yours and........"

"Fuck" I push forward ignoring her as I make my way there, pausing when I notice the empty living room.

Scanning the area I note the half finished glass of orange juice on the small stool by the seat, the television crackling .

The maid scurries after me obviously knowing she screwed up.

"I'm so sorry miss I didn't know......."

I ignore her frantic cries and make my way to the stairs, taking two at a time and passing Za's room I barge into mine and freeze at the door.

Poppy turns to me, her eyes red and swollen with a picture held tightly in her hand.

"Poppy" I hear my voice but it sounds different, more distant as I take in the look of disbelief in her green eyes.

"You lied to me", her words are faint and tired as she turns the picture of me and Za towards me, "you acted like you knew nothing about Barkley."

Her words are strained and tinged with disbelief.

"I never lied to you" I reply coming in and closing the door, "you just assumed I knew nothing."

"Fuck Zuri" she screams in frustration, shoving the photo in my face, "you're telling me that you just watlzed into Barkley right after your sister's death with no hidden fucking agenda?"she shakes her head in disbelief, "you started talking to me because you had a plan."

I nod not denying it.

"I needed to fit in to find my sisters killers and deal with them."

"And that's what you've been doing right, your weird friendship with the royals was all just a ploy to get revenge."

She sits on my bed and lets out a shaky breath, "my God, you even killed Johnathan"

I glare at her.

"I didn't"

"Oh really then who did, your fake boyfriend Alexander?"

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now