🥀Chapter 18🥀

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"I don't care if I fall in love with the devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell."

~Anonymous ~

This chapter is dedicated to  Smexy_Babez who made my day by voting, adding my story to their reading list and being an absolute sweetheart by hyping me up with their kind words. Thank you baby 🤗

The day Za died there was a whole frenzy in the house.

After finding her body I had dialed 911 and given a detailed almost robotic account of what had happened and had hidden all the evidence save for the pesticide bottle.

Placing her head on my lap I watched as the last bit of life had slipped from her sad eyes and rocked her still cold body in my arms.

Softly singing the Yoruba folktale songs our grandmother used to hum to us when we were little.

One of the many things Za had loved in this God forsaken world.

Back and forth, back and forth I rocked her wiping her tears off and dabbing her mouth that had been filled with foam from the effect of the poison.

Closing her eyes with my fingers I sighed watching her serene form.

Peace, Za was finally at peace.

I remember my mother stumbling into the room in horror at the sight of Zuri in my arms.

Her eyes shocked then twisting in agony as she crumpled into a mess on the floor.

I ignored her as she wailed causing a commotion as the maids rushed in to her aid in a frenzy, the room filling with screams of shock at the scene.

But everyone knew better than to approach me at that moment.

So they all kept their distance until the police came as well as the medics.

I watched as they carted my sister's lifeless body on a stretcher and our nosy neighbors watching in shock at the scene of my mother screaming and pulling Za's form, crying for her to wake up and not leave her.

And not abandon her with a monster like me.

My father's car came in at that same moment, his for rushing out of his car as he approached the stretcher his face twisted in a way I had seen countless times.

His form shaking ever so slightly.

To an onlooker he would look like a distraught father who was only trying to get a hold of himself.

But I knew better than anyone that he wasn't distraught.

Like Za had been an inconvenience to his plans he watched others pacify my weeping mother, his cold calculating gaze settled on my sisters body as they finally wheeled it into the ambulance.

Then he turned to me, his eyes blazing hot and accusing as he smiled a cold demented smile that harbored all my childhood nightmares mixed up in one crazed look.

His eyes said it all.

You killed Za, you're a monster just like your father.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now