🥀Chapter 25🥀

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"I've seen beauty in people who are called ugly and I've seen the devil in the most angelic faces."

~Cony Cernik ~

Johnathan Efron was pronounced dead at exactly 11:45 pm on the evening of the 4th day of his disappearance.

A search party had found his mangled remains in a ditch right at the outskirts of town his body so torn up it was sure to make even the coldest of criminals shudder in despair.

I would know, I saw him with my own eyes.

To say the whole town was in an uproar would be an understatement as nothing so brutally terrifying had ever happened in the pristine history of the upper class town of Lakeshore.

A killer was on the lose and a deranged one at that.

I watched quietly as my mother muttered in horror as we watched the late night news caster give details of the terror filled incident her face ashen from the horrors she had been forced to report.

No finger prints had been found on the body and although the state of the corpse seemed to point more at an animal attack the police was hell bent on a murder.

The killer must have had a motive given the circumstances following Johnathan before his disappearance.

"How gruesome" mother shivered from the couch, her usually shiny black skin looking pale from obvious strain, "I hope his family can get past this "

I simply nodded, not taking my eyes off the screen as the showed a blurred image of the crime scene with Johnathan's corpse in a black body bag.

"I heard he attended Barkley too" mother continued not minding my silence, "you must be terrified."

I smiled ever so slightly at that, making sure she couldn't see.

"Beyond terrified that's for sure."


Following Johnathan's death school was closed for three days in total as Johnathan was given a hasty funeral that was attended by only a handful of people.

Who would have thought the star athlete and elite royal that everyone loved and respected would become nothing short of a leper even at a time of his own funeral.

I almost giggled at the irony and hoped for his sake he didn't suffer too much in hell.

That would be my last act of kindness to scum like him.

Finishing up my dark themed makeup and zipping up my black designer combat boots I headed for school more than happy to finally get back as ironic as that may sound.

Making my way down the stair well I noticed my mother in the dining her eyes fixed on her coffee mug.

"Morning" I muttered grabbing an apple off the counter and settling on the stool to finish it up.

"Morning Tolani, sleep well?" she turned her concerned filled eyes to me.

"Yup" I replied popping the 'p'.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now