🥀Chapter 26🥀

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"It felt like heaven to flirt with hell."

~Daniel Walsh ~

As expected the police quickly intervened carting away the teeth for investigation and advising the school to close down for a few more days while I sat back and watched from the sidelines of the hallway as the students were asked to vacate the premises.

"Any idea who did it this time?" Alexander breathed next to me his minty breath fanning my neck as I tried to think things through.

"It wasn't you?", I sighed letting my gaze roam his features which were just as bland as mine.

"No jamilla" he shook his head, "and judging from the sloppy mess of things they left behind turns out it's a rookie."

I nodded once letting my eyes search through the crowd for anyone seemingly suspicious but came out with nothing, the culprit must have fled the scene.

"This could become a problem"

Alexander smiled at that, a slow sexy smile that gave me chills as his mismatched eyes met mine.

"And trust I will deal with it" he twirled his finger into the loose end of my hair tugging ever so slightly, "now run along my little dark butterfly" he motioned to Rose huddled in the corner along with her friends, Collins nowhere to be found.

"Keep me updated Beelzebub and don't you dare back out of our deal" I warned giving him a stern look.

He flashed a shark like grin.

Turning away from him I hurried along to Rose who had already started bawling her eyes out as Sarah and Kim watched on in panic.

"Oh baby" I murmured peeling her off a petrified Sarah and into my awaiting arms, "you must have been so scared."

Red rimmed eyes stared right back at me making the dark side of me leap with joy.

Who would have thought the almighty Rose would be caught dead crying in the hallway in a million years.

This one's for you Za.

"Come on lets head over to your house, I know exactly what you need"

Nodding slightly she let me lead her away from the chaos, Kim and Sarah following behind like a bunch of lost puppies.

Getting her safely into my car I hurriedly dialed Alexander.

"Firashat Jamilla" his smooth voice rumbled over the receiver.

"I need you to cover for me at Lakeshore, make up a credible excuse for Mrs Chesterfield about why I couldn't attend and make sure she doesn't call my mother."

"Done" he stated gruffly, "now that I think about it though this is just adding to the never ending pile of solids you'll owe me at the end of this" his tone took on a dark vibe.

"Whatever Beelzebub and make sure you do your job without getting me mad or next time the gun will be pointed at your family jewels."

He let out a boisterous laugh that only proved to me that although I may act like it I will never have the upper hand when it comes to him, and he only let me have my way because it amuses him.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now