🥀Chapter 20🥀

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"We don't fall in love with people because they're good people.We fall in love with people whose darkness we recognise. You can fall in love with a person for all the right reasons, but that kind of love can still fall apart. But when you fall in love with a person because your monsters have found a home in them, that's the kind of love that owns your skin and bones. Love I am convinced, is found in the darkness. It is the candle in the night."

~C. Joybell C. ~

This chapter is dedicated to imobssessedwithJace
for literally voting on every chapter. You're a god send❤️

You know that feeling you get when you're so angry you feel it burning in your blood.

You feel it deep in your bones, in your very being.

Your very existence.

Well for people like me that feeling is amplified by a thousand and then some leaving you with a thirst so deep and ravenous it turns you into a wild rabid animal whose thirst can only be quelled by one thing and one thing only.


And I was out for a lot of it.

Letting the beast out I stalked towards the fucker and slammed their body against the metal letting them crumple onto the floor.

Still not satisfied I grabbed the back of their head and slammed it right against the locker again letting the let out a scream of pain.

My breath was coming in full on pants by now my blood hot and boiling as I grabbed the fuckers neck once more and turned them to me wanting them to see their demise in my now deathly cold eyes.

But what I didn't expect to see the big blue eyes staring right back at me.

It was the same girl from the gym locker room I had caught videoing Rose and her cronies, her familiar eyes looking up at me almost pleadingly.

"You" I growled my anger growing ten fold, "you're the one threatening me isn't that right?"

I smashed her face against the tiled flooring before she could reply pulling her face back up so she could see my eyes.

My cold cold eyes.

"Stop please" she screamed in pure un-aldultrated fear her voice shaking.

"I'm going to kill you" I roared voice hard and unrecognizable .

The monster that had been locked in for way too fucking long.

"I swear I mean no harm" she cried pleading with me as blood dripped slowly from her parted lips, "I swear to God I was only trying to help you."

"You threatened me" I growled throwing her across the hall watching her body skid across the locker in front of me, "I swear you're going to wish you were never born."

I advanced towards her form watching her in manic satisfaction as she crawled backwards her eyes filled with trepidation at my advance.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now