🥀Chapter 31🥀

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"I'm not a stop along the way darling, I'm the bloody destination."

~Anonymous ~

After sighting daddy dearest I was a mess in the most literal way possible so before I could completely lose my shit Belzeebub made a phone call to my mum about some dumb date he was taking me on to which she was a bit too fast to jump on.

I mean what mother doesn't ask questions when a guy she has zero prior knowledge about offers to take her only surviving daughter out on a date on a school night at that.

Guess Mama Tolani won't be getting any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

Irritated I slammed the car door shut and trudged my way inside foregoing my torn up shirt and grabbing the first sit I could get my hands on.

Belzeebub already sensing my mood closed the door softly before going inside and emerging moments late with a huge plain white sweater.

Coming over to me I watched him take in my state of undress with a slight glint in his mismatched eyes before motioning for me to put my hands up.

Obeying he pulled the sweet smelling fabric over my head, letting me bask in his scent for a moment.

Seemingly satisfied with the fit he made to grab me, pulling me into his arms as he headed towards the much bigger love seat in the corner of his living area.

Settling in he made me relax on him and sniffed my hair like the damn psycho I knew he was.

And like a sucker I smiled a bit.

"Now you can explain to me exactly what the hell is going on"

Turning to face him I cut him a hard glare.

"It's none of your business"

Shaking his head he gave me a hard look.

"See that's the funny thing Jamilla, I'm not asking you" he gripped my chin,"I'm telling you because If we get to work together I need to know every single detail of what is going on"

I remained silent, my glare not letting up.

"For fucks sake Zuri, is this about you or your dead sister because if you ask me you aren't getting to the bottom of her murder, just fucking shit up"

At his statement I let out an irritated sigh.

"Fine, what the fuck do you wanna know?"

"From the beginning Firashat jamilla"

"Fuck fine" I sighed, "My dead sister used to go to Barkley where she was bullied by the royals  which you know, but what you don't know is they killed her, I mean at least their actions did."

His mismatched eyes urged me to continue.

"So Rose planned out a way to embarrass my sister for saving a girl being bullied in school because her actions went against everything Rose heirachy stood for"

"So she made Johnathan pretend to like her and they ended up dating until well one night when their stupid idiotic plan was supposed to go in motion" I breathed slowly, letting the anger and hatred wash all over me,"they took her to a party and secluded her in one of the rooms were they drugged her and while she was beyond out of it they let guys have turns with her while John fucked a guy in the next room"

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now