🐾The Black Onyx🐾

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"We're all monsters darling, it's just some of us embrace our demons while the rest pretend like they aren't there."

~ Alexander Zayn Mohammed Al-Thani ~

I had a plan

A perfect plan to get back at those who wronged my sister, those who thought they were too high above to get punished for their misdoings.

And things were going great until I met him.

The boy with the mismatched eyes and devil may care attitude.

The boy who was just as dark as he seemed

A boy who wanted me much more than he wanted to breathe.

If Zarene was my light, he had to be my darkness.

The monster that didn't hide its true form.

I am dark, but he is darker.

Darker than anything I had
ever seen.


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THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now