🥀Chapter 16🥀

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"I saw magic in his eyes. Dirty, dark, beautiful magic ."

~Nicole Lyons~

Like magic everything at school started to fall in place.

Although Rose wasn't totally on board with the idea of me joining her perfectly formed click Johnathan's fascination with me seemed to do the trick.

After our date on Friday which was made up of a formal dinner on his parents yacht, boring ass conversation and a violinist that played so much crap I was this close to stabbing his eye out I was more than happy to call it a night.

But that wasn't what kept nagging me at the back of my mind though.The fact that I had dressed up like a literal slut and set out to seduce Johnathan the quote and unquote man whore of Barkley academy and he didn't so much as give my elevated tits a glance apart from the faint red in his cheek and neck told me something was totally wrong with the guy.

And I'm more than ready to find out exactly what it is.

With this in mind I wandered over to my locker and made to open it when a piece of paper fell out.

Curious I grabbed it and examined it closely reading the fine print in ink black.

It simply read; "I know who you are and why you're here."

Curious I let my gaze examine the paper then tucked it in my skirt pocket for later letting my gaze scan my surrounding for anyone seemingly out of place.

My eyes caught another girls across me, she and her friend whispering conspiratorially and trying to discreetly stare at me.

On autopilot I gave them a chilling glare.

"Care to explain what you're looking at? " I snarled my eyes flashing.

Obviously not expecting my outburst they both scurried away leaving me in a rather foul mood.

Turning with an eye roll I ran into a rather hard chest.

Irritated I looked up and scowled in Alexander's face as he assessed me with his enigmatic eyes.

"What do you want now" I rolled my eyes and searched behind him, "and where is your body guard to stop you from committing murder. "

Ignoring me he scowled and grabbed the side of my neck assessing it with growing irritation.

"I can't see my mark farashat jamil" he growled ,"where is it?".

"Covered up", I narrowed my eyes at him, "the next time you pull a stunt like that you'd only have yourself to blame with the outcome."

Giving ourselves a stare down in the hallway each of our eyes daring the other to back down a loud squeal from my side broke the contact momentarily.

Mildly irritated I turned to see a smiling Poppy jumping up and down in manic joy.

"People are saying you and Johnathan are the newest "IT" couple now" she beamed, "turns out Johnathan hadn't shut up about you since your date on Friday" her eyes take a far off look, "he even accidentally spilled the moment you guys kissed, it was so dreamy."

Confused I narrowed my eyes, "Kissed?"

Poppy nodded her eyes sparkly.

"You kissed?" Alexander's deep vice interrupted, his dark eyes not once leaving mine as they grew stormier.

At his question I raised my chin in defiance.

"That's really none of your god damn business."

Taking a menacing step forward he repeated.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now