🥀Chapter 33🥀

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Trigger warning ⚠️
This chapter contains scenes that are considered triggering to some people so venture at your own risk. It's not for the faint hearted so feel free to skip cause it's pretty dark

"He calms my chaos and I fuel his fire. We are a match made between heaven and hell."

~Nicole Lyons ~

You wanna know what's more fun than watching reruns of "How to get away with murder?"

Actually getting away with murder.

With this thought I smile rather deviously, linking my hand with Beelzebub as we make our way into the swanky holiday house Sarah's parents own.

Yup you got it, we were right in the middle of a royal motherfucking party and from all the booze and sleazy activities going on around us it was definitely not Rose who had organized it.

Taking note of the royals absence downstairs where all the dirty mingling was happening I had a feeling the royals were preoccupied with something shady as well.

Rolling my eyes as the sea of sweaty bodies of irritatingly drunk teenagers parted at our entrance I scanned my surrounding for anyone worth my while and paused when I noticed a familiar face.

"Viti?" I called, making her head turn away from a boy I recognized from my first day of school after he helped me find the admissions office.

"Hey girl" she gave me a wide smile pulling me in for a hug, before she turned her eyes to Beelzebub who ignored her presence completely.

"Alexander" she glared at him before turning back to me, "gee I can't believe you're here, you go to Barkley?"

I nod at her question noting not all the people here were from school, "Guess this party isn't school specific"

Waving dismissively she shook her head.

"Nah, it's pretty much the way Sarah plans her party's, every person from schools within the district goes as long as their cool" she motions to the guy she was talking to earlier, "this is Mason, he goes to Barkley too."

"Umm hey Zuri" he smiles, looking a little timid, "it's so good to see you again."

Surprised my eyes jump, then I squint and eye him suspiciously.

"You still remember my name?" I ask disbelievingly.

He shrugged slightly, ears getting a little red.

"Its kinda hard not to know you guys names" he motions to Alexander who now has his eyes on him, and from what I can see in them I doubt he appreciates Mason talking to me, "you have quite the rep at school."

Forcing a laugh I turn my attention back to Viti and start to talk again when Sarah barrels towards us out of nowhere and grabs my arm.

"Zuri" she squeals grabbing me out of Alexander's grasp and pulling me away, "so glad you could make it" then she looks up at a scowling Alexander and does a double take.

"Omg you brought Alex," her excitement was almost laughable as she brightened up considerably even through her obviously drunken haze, "you're a miracle worker Zuri".

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now