• Boring •

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"Wha- what the fuck is going on?" my best friend complained as I handed her a glass of cold water.

"It's fine. You just lind of passed out earlier, so I-" I began to explain until she shook her head with annoyance.
"-No. I meant- what am I doing here?" she seethed as she looked around at my apartment with a condescending look.


"What do you mean? You came over to talk with me. Remember?" I chirped and her brows knitted in confusion.
"No. I don't. I didn't even want to see you for another day... I just needed a break..." she trailed off as she scooted away from me.
"Did you kidnap me or something??" she asked with panic lining her voice.

"Wh- What!? No!" I assured her as I gave her a strange look.

"You're lying! I don't recall coming here at all! I just wanted to get some coffee!" she raised her voice, I could tell she was getting scared.

I waved my hands at her in defense, not understanding why she was freaking out like this.
"No! I promise you! Y- You said you wanted to catch up! Remember!?" I screeched, trying to get through to her.
She began running towards the front door, panicking. I caught up to her side, very puzzled at her actions.

"Please... Just let me go. I don't know what you did... or what you want-" she spoke with a shakey voice. I felt my heart crack as she opened the door slowly, her hand reached out in front of her as a form of defense.
"-You should really get some help. I won't call the police or anything, but..." she continued as she backed away slowly from my home.
"...you should actually seek some help." she muttered as she made her way back down the sidewalk to the coffee shop we were once at.

My heart felt as if someone was ripping it out of my chest. I held onto my chest with agony as I finally closed and locked the door.
A tear trickled down my cheek as I tried to make sense of what just happened.

"When a human makes direct contact in any way with an entity; nausea, fainting, and even death could occur. Usually after an experience like so, the human will lose its memory of half the day in which the situation occured." his deep lingering voice instructed from behind me.

"Oh great! Now you tell me... Thanks-" I sarcastically spoke with anger lining my voice.

"Y/n, I can specifically recall telling you before that I cannot been seen by anyone else because it is dangerous." he spoke sternly, my name rolling off of his tongue with tension.

"It was you who called me so you could show me off to your friend, despite me telling you that you shouldn't." he scolded and I flinched at the dominance in his voice.

I gulped, fearing I may upset him, however I was upset myself as well.
"I wasn't trying to show you off!" I groaned and he crossed his arms in front of him.

"...I was trying to show her that I'm not fucking crazy." I sneered as I rolled my eyes with annoyance. I plopped down in my desk chair, spinning myself around to face away from him.

"...okay." he softly spoke with a hint of remorse in his voice.
"I understand. I completely understand how this would make you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable." he assured, his strong hand gently landed atop my shoulder, gently massaging as he drew near to me.

I felt calm, suddenly.
"We will just have to do a better job at hiding this whole thing okay." he suggested, squatting down into an asian squat to level his eyes with mine.
"No more talking to me in public, no more trying to tell your friends-"
"-frienD." I corrected and he let out a small chuckle. I smiled in return.
"...your friend. Most importantly, I will make sure not to intrude so often in your personal life." he said that last part a bit reluctantly. My eyebrow twitched with nervousness.

I don't want him to feel like he has to not be in my life...
I never saw myself saying this... but I want him in it.
I've had so many great memories with this ...creature of a man and I just have to admit... I don't want him to go.

"No. Dark." I began and he quirked an eyebrow at me.
"Truth is... my life has been normal during the time you were absent, however, I have to admit... I truly missed you being here." I rushed out with a shakey voice. My face began to heat up once more due to how vulnerable I felt saying that.

Dark gave me the smallest hint of a smile as he gazed at me, an unreadable emotion in his alluring eyes.
"...I missed you too." he softly spoke and I could've sworn I felt my heart flutter.

"Life was boring here on Earth without your crazy otherworldly antics!" I joked as I threw my hands up in the air in a playful way.
"It was oddly boring." I stated and he chuckled again.
"Well... I'm glad I could change that for you." he replied as he leaned his chin in one of his pale skinned palms.

"Anyways- enough mushiness!! Let's go do something... or eat something atleast. I'm starved." I quirked as I shot up out of my chair. Dark blinked as he gawked at my sudden energetic burst.

"Okay. Cool- as you humans like to say it." Dark replied, slowly standing from his squatted position.

"Where shall we go, madam?" he asked with a sass.
"I know a great coffee shop that sells the most amazing coffee." I plugged in and he nodded in response.

"Okay. I wasn't expecting you to choose coffee for the evening, but if that's what you want, then so be it." he stated and I giggled at his wit.

"Well- what did you want!?" I asked, slugging his shoulder like a giddy highschool girl.
"It doesn't matter, I eat whatever looks appetizing. I just thought you humans liked your breakfast, lunch, dinner regimen." he explained and then it clicked why he didn't think I would want coffee.

"Listen, Dark, you should know already- I'm not like everyone else." I assured and he smirked at me as we trotted towards the front door.
"...If I want coffee for lunch or dinner, I'm drinking fucking coffee for lunch or dinner."

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