• Familiar •

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I studied his figure from head to toe. My eyes scanning for any more differences.

"So..." He started and I raised a brow.
"...how has life been treating you?" He asked with a subtle tone and I sighed as I thought about it.

"Well... life has been pretty- normal." I replied, my tone slightly raising near the end of my statement.
"Hm. Interesting." he spoke lowly, his posture slouching a tad bit. I could tell he was a tiny bit hurt that I didn't express any desperation of needing him in my voice or demeanor.

"...however, i-it was boring." I broke the awkward silence, his eyebrows perked up a smidge.
"Wow. I see. Boring?" he muttered as he gestured his hands in such a way to let me know that he wasn't believing that.

"Well... I got a job..." I shrugged my shoulders before sipping a swig of the wine that stood, forgotten, on my desk from when my friend and I were conversing.
"...And I got my friend back." I scoffed before setting my wine glass down, almost forgetting about my best friend who was laying lifelessly on the floor.

"We should put her somewhere comfortable. Help me please." I gestured to Dark and he nodded before swiftly moving to my side and helping me lift her onto my bed. I moved near her feet, removing her shoes and setting them aside.

I rubbed my temples, starting to freak out, wondering who this man is, all over again.

Why did my friend pass out at first glance?
How come I didn't pass out?
Why do he need me to come with him?
What exactly am I dealing with!?

"I wouldn't think so hard right now. It does nothing for us." he softly spoke, breaking my train of thought. I glared at him, silently.

I forgot he could fucking do that! Read minds...

"Okay. Fine. You right... I should just forget and not worry about the fact my friend just fainted because of some mysterious creature man, who won't fucking tell me who he even is!!" I grunted as I felt my pockets for my phone.

"Wh- what's going on?" He asked as he moved closer to me, sensing the sheer panic on my face.
"What are you doing??" he asked confused as he knitted his eyebrows together in frustration.

"I-I'm calling 911-" I stuttered as I snatched out my phone.
"No! Why?" he groaned as he moved unbearably close, a literal breath away from me. I took a few steps back, halting directly in front of my bed where my friend laid.

"Look- I'm sorry, Dark... but this is beyond me now. I have to get hel-" I tried frantically explaining until Dark moved swiftly. With a flick of his wrist, my phone flew across the bed, landing out of my reach. I ended up falling back onto the bed, along with him following, as I tried to reach for my phone. I began to rebuttle, however, my face blushed hotly once realizing the compromising position we were suddenly in.

He was hovering directly over me, his broad chest pressed against mine. One hand atop the wrist of my hand that previously held my phone, and the other placed beside my hip, to keep his balance.

"D-Dark, wh-" I stuttered, my face a bright red.
He just averted his eyes from mine, abruptly pushing himself off of me quickly.

"I was just calling to get help for my friend. I can't just let her lay there with no medical attention." I explained as I sat up slowly, dusting myself off.

"She will be fine, just make sure she has plenty fluids when waking." he instructed and I narrowed my eyes on him once more.

"How do you know? Has it happened before?" I asked, he struck me as very suspicious now.
"Well- yes. I told you that this would happen. That's why I never show myself to anyone, but you. We've been over this, sweets." he stated whilst calling me that name again. I rolled my eyes with cringe.

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