Chapter Two

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Dean woke the next morning to a rather ugly headache and several texts from his friends checking in. He'd gone to sleep as soon as he had gotten home, exhausted in just about every way possible. Now he was regretting not drinking some water and trying to eat something, because he felt fucking terrible. Sitting up, he groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. He really had to learn to drink less at these parties.

Eventually, he managed to drag himself out of bed and get a shower, letting the warm water and steam settle over him with a sigh. As he stood in the water, his mind couldn't help but drift back to the night before and that Novak asshole. That cocky fucking smile that never failed to piss him off, the better-than-you attitude, and that taunting look he liked to give. It was the perfect storm to make Dean want to crush his skull.

When he finally snapped himself out of his thoughts of Novak, he realized the water was beginning to cool. Shaking his head and turning it off, he stepped out and dried off, looking at himself in the mirror as he did. Jesus, he looked even worse than he felt. The bags under his eyes combined with the way his face had flushed from the heat of the shower made him look like he had some really creative face paint on. Turning away, he walked back into his bedroom and toward the closet to get dressed. Just at that moment, his phone rang, and he winced at the noise. Fuck, why did he have that so loud?

Going over to where he'd left it on the nightstand, he realized it was Crowley and groaned, answering and putting it on speaker. Immediately, Crowley started rattling his mouth off, and Dean just sighed as he took the phone with him over to the closet.

"Good to see that you're awake, Dean. I'm not surprised, since you left your own party early," he said, a bit of bite in his tone that Dean decided to ignore. "Anyway, I'm calling because I have another job opportunity to discuss with you."

Dean grabbed a pair of boxers and slid them on, reaching for his jeans as he answered. Crowley was so fucking dramatic, and for what? Could he not just tell him what the job was?

"Alright, fill me in," Dean said, rolling his eyes at Crowley enthusiastically beginning the rundown. He always did this, waiting until Dean asked for dramatic effect.

"So, here's the concept. The role they want you for is the protagonist in their story. The protagonist has no specific reason they do what they do other than a strong moral compass. The antagonist, however, has been personally slighted by the government and the citizens, who shunned them and covered up what happened to said antagonist. The protagonist and antagonist fight, but slowly, the antagonist gets to the protagonist, who begins to believe the antagonist over other people. In the end of the movie, the protagonist has been fully corrupted from their original stance, to the point of a romantic relationship with our antagonist. They end as a team, hell bent on destroying those who hurt the antagonist," Crowley finished, taking a deep breath. Dean had finished getting dressed during his speech, and grabbed his phone, moving to the bed. Whatever this movie was, it was fascinating, and he wanted in. It sounded big.

"Tell them I'll do it," Dean answered without a moment's hesitation. He loved these projects, the atypical ending stories where the villains win. Crowley knew that, too, which is why he had brought it up with Dean at all.

"I'll let them know," he said, and Dean could almost hear his grin. "Keep your phone close so I can update you on the details."

With that, the line went dead, so Crowley was off to do some managerial shit that Dean couldn't care less about. That was what he had hired him for, after all, to be his agent. As annoying as Crowley could be, he was damned good at his job, and Dean was grateful to have him handle his shit, not that he'd ever tell him that. Crowley's ego was high enough as it was, and Dean would not be the one to feed into it further.

Checking the time, he realized it was only nine. God, he hated mornings. There wasn't enough caffeine in the world to make up for how annoying they were, either. Deciding that he could still try caffeine, as he did every damn day despite knowing it wouldn't help much, he set an order for pickup and had his driver run to get it. He always ordered him something, too, since he was the one going to get it. At first, the driver had protested, but by then he had learned that Dean was buying him something, and he'd just have to accept that.

Once he was sure that his coffee was on the way, he settled in on his couch for a bit and texted back to the group chat, which had been filled with all three of his friends' texts since he'd left it the previous night. As soon as he text back to tell them he wasn't dead, they all answered and told him he was an asshole for making them worry. Chuckling, he text back quickly and told them they were being dramatic, which was met with several expletives from Charlie and Sam while Jess just used sass. Trying his best to derail the topic of collectively dragging him, he decided to bring up the movie.

Dean: Guys, guess who got a new movie offer today???

Firecracker: hmm, let me think. Sam?

Giant: sadly, no. I am not that popular

The only one I actually like: ok, Dean, I'll bite. What movie offer did you get?

Dean: why thank you, Jess, for not being a bitch, unlike SOME PEOPLE. Anyway, it's a really cool twisted ending movie again. Crowley didn't tell me the name yet, but it's gonna be a blast.

Firecracker: as sarcastic as I am, that actually sounds really fucking cool

The only one I actually like: agreed, that sounds sick. You're gonna have to give us updates now

Dean: yeah, sure,  just don't accidentally leak a spoiler of my movie this time, *cough* SAM *cough*


Dean laughed, turning his phone off as he heard a knock on the door. There was his coffee. Grinning, he walked downstairs to get it. The driver smiled and handed it to him, and Dean nodded, walking back into the house as the door closed behind him. He felt his phone buzz again and grabbed it, assuming that it was the group chat again. However, it was Crowley, and Dean didn't appreciate the message he saw.

Crowley: Dean, we may have a problem.

Sighing and sitting down with his coffee, he text back quickly, hoping it wasn't anything major. Crowley was never one to text him something so vaguely, and it made him uneasy.

Dean: Well, what is it? Could you not have just told me the problem in that message?

He didn't have to wait long until his phone buzzed again, and he took a long drink of his coffee as he read what Crowley said.

Crowley: ok, yeah, but I wanted a chance for you to hear me say that I'm gonna need you to keep calm about this

Rolling his eyes, Dean shot back, getting annoyed with all of this dodging the issue shit. Why was Crowley being an asshole about this?

Dean: Jesus, Crowley, spit it out already

Crowley: fine, asshole, excuse me for trying to make sure you don't flip your shit on me

Crowley: I have been informed that they asked someone specifically for the role of antagonist in the movie, and they confirmed just after you did. The cast list has been officially set now and I can't pull strings to get them to offer someone else the role

Crowley: and they didn't bother to tell me until after he confirmed that your costar is set to be Novak, and the only way to avoid it now is to pull you from the movie.

Fuck him, the universe really did hate him.

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