Chapter Three

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"Are you fucking kidding me, Crowley?" Dean shouted into the phone, having called his agent just to be pissy. "You couldn't have done anything at all? God damnit!"

"I know, fuck, I know you're mad! I didn't know either, Dean! You could always pull yourself from the project, too, which I know isn't ideal, but.." Crowley was cut off by Dean, who nearly threw his phone as he turned on his heel.

"No, absolutely not. He doesn't get to push me off of a project I really want to be on, not this time. I'm doing this damn project, whether he's on it or not. And I'm gonna show him up in every single scene," Dean spat. Crowley gave a small, relieved sigh, knowing as well as Dean did that it would have been difficult to pull him now. Before he could say anything else, Dean hung up, throwing his phone onto the couch.

Rubbing a hand down his face, he started pacing through his living room, trying to think of any way that he could make this better for himself and worse for Novak. Unfortunately, he wasn't having a lot of luck with ideas, coming up with nothing in the few minutes he paced around. Groaning, he downed the rest of his coffee and grabbed his phone, resolving to go for a walk and clear his head. God, this was a mess, wasn't it?

Making his way outside, he took a deep breath, leaning his head back. Letting a small smile creep onto his face, he put his hands in his pockets and started walking through his neighborhood. He didn't live anywhere super high profile, just a quiet but nice neighborhood in the city, and he liked it that way. Why have a mansion or some high rise apartment? He didn't need it, it would be lonely. He preferred a decent sized but nice house and neighbors he could actually enjoy talking to.

Speaking of, he saw Jody and waved, smiling as she turned and did the same. Walking towards her, he put his arms out on instinct, knowing that she was a hugger. As soon as he was close enough, she gave him one of those bone-crushing hugs he had come to love. Letting him go, she held his shoulders and looked at him sternly.

"Out with it. What's wrong with you?" She said, never one to dance around the point. He chuckled, letting out a sigh.

"Damn, and here I thought I was a decent actor," he teased, and she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and glaring him down. Raising his hands in surrender, he shook his head.

"Fine, fine! I have to do a movie with Novak, and it's not gonna be fun. For anyone involved," he said, and he could see her visibly cringe at the idea. She knew how the two interacted, and it wouldn't be something anyone wanted to be close to.

"Shit," she said, uncrossing her arms and landing her hands on her hips. "Promise me you won't be a bitch to anyone else there just because you're mad at him."

That actually did get a laugh out of him, and he put his hand over his heart dramatically as he answered her.

"I solemnly swear that Novak will be the only one to have to experience my bitchiness, and everyone else shall be treated with the utmost respect and dignity," he said, trying and failing to do an accent due to the laughter he was still dealing with. By the end of his speech, Jody was laughing too, almost like it hurt her to do so. Shaking her head, she hit him on the arm as they settled down.

"I mean it, Dean," she said, and he rolled his eyes, matching her hands on the hips stance.

"Yes, mom," he said, and she snorted, turning away and shaking her head yet again. It was just about her favorite gesture when around him, and who could blame her? He knew he was a handful.

"Alright, I have to get back to the house and make sure Claire hasn't killed anything. I'll talk to you later, alright?" Jody said, giving him another hug before releasing him and walking off. He waved as she left, and she raised a hand over her head to flip him off, leaving Dean the one to shake his head.

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