Chapter Twenty Two

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The next day seemed to drag on, Dean antsy to go on a real date for the first time in... fuck, in how long? Too long, he'd decided, and today was the day to change that.

As much as he usually loved work, he couldn't wait to get home and get ready. Castiel seemed almost as ready to get out of there as Dean, and it made him feel less like he was being stupid. It made that dumb ass feeling sit in his chest again, too. This time, though, maybe it didn't have to leave.

After filming a couple of scenes successfully, Thomas let them go for the day a bit early. Dean practically sprang to his trailer, grabbing his things as fast as he could before going over to meet Cas at his. He caught him just outside and smiled, getting that fucking grin in return.

"Eight, yeah?" Dean asked.

Cas nodded, stepping down from the trailer and lightly bumping his shoulder on Dean's. Dean rolled his eyes, doing the same in return as they walked toward the front.

"Where are we going, anyway? I need to know what to wear, here," Dean said, teasing. Cas shook his head, laughing quietly.

"Oh, no. The location is a surprise. I can tell you it's a decently nice place, though. Definitely not suit attire, but not movie theater, either," Cas clarified.

Nodding, Dean wracked his brain over what to wear as they arrived up front. Spotting his driver, he turned to Cas, giving him a small grin as he backed away.

"See you tonight," he said, and then, as an afterthought, called over his shoulder, "and don't you dare stare at my ass right now!"

He heard peals of laughter behind him, implying that he had been completely correct on what had been happening just then. Shaking his head, he got into the car and settled in, flipping off Cas as they drove by. Cas stuck his tongue out, and then he was gone in the rearview mirror.

Tapping nervously, Dean stared out the window as he thought about what he would be doing just three hours later. He couldn't help but feel like this was some kind of sick joke, that Cas would laugh him out for actually thinking they were going to go on a date. After all, they had gone from enemies to... whatever they were pretty quickly. He couldn't help but wonder sometimes if it was something like that.

Damn, he really needed to stop overthinking. Cas wasn't playing him, or he wouldn't have been hanging out at his house for weeks and been there when he needed someone. If it were some joke, there was no way he'd have bothered to keep it up this long. This was real, and he wasn't gonna let his own mind ruin this for him.

The car stopped, and Dean was surprised to see that they were already at his place. Getting out, he made his way inside and upstairs. Within seconds, he was diving for his closet. He needed a good outfit for this, god damn it. Why was he so shit at fashion?

If Jess were still here, she would have been perfect for this, his mind supplied. He knew it was true, but he didn't want to think about that now. Not when he was finally starting to feel better, not when he had finally begun to heal from losing her. It simply wasn't the time.

After digging through his closet for what felt like hours, he had a set out that he thought was acceptable for the occasion. It consisted of a pair of dress pants, a light green button-up, a black belt, and some dress shoes. He was pretty certain this would work, but Sam and Charlie would be a good second and third opinion. Taking a quick picture of the setup, he texted it to the group chat.

Dean: what do we think of the outfit plan for date night?

Firecracker: hold the fucking phone, date night????? WITH WHO?????

Giant: I think I have a pretty good guess ;)

Firecracker: wait, you don't mean-

Firecracker: OH MY GOD YOU DO

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