Chapter Nine

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Headache still raging, Dean slapped around on his bed until he found his phone, deciding to order breakfast and save himself some energy. As he was doing this, Sam stirred to life, sitting up and then immediately wincing. He rubbed his head, and Dean chuckled slightly.

"You get your ass kicked in that fight, or are you just hung over?" He teased. Sam flipped him off, but still answered.

"Very fucking hung over, and despite me fucking him up, the man got a few good hits in," Sam sighed, seeming very annoyed by the whole situation. Now that Dean's vision was a little clearer, he could see that Sam had some rough looking bruises on his face. Yeah, those would be there for a while.

"Well, anyway, I ordered breakfast, so that should be here in the next half hour," Dean said, standing and stretching, wincing a bit as his head throbbed. "I'm gonna shower, you try to wake the dead over there."

Sam glanced over at Charlie and Jess, who were sprawled next to each other and very much out of it. Dean went into the bathroom before he could protest, hearing a vague call of "fuck you" as he shut the door. Snorting, he turned the water on and got in, letting the steam and the heat surround him. Despite his strong desire to hog the shower forever, he washed quickly and got out, going back into his bedroom with a towel on to get clothes. Sam was glaring at Dean, but Jess and Charlie were both up, so there was that.

Immediately, Jess went for the shower, ignoring Sam's indignant shouts of protest as he went after her. She got the door locked before he got there, and Sam hit the door, exasperated. Turning to Dean, he gave him what could only be described as a classic bitch face.

"I get beat the hell up for her, and this is the thanks I get?" He huffed, flopping onto Dean's bed. Immediately, he rolled onto his back, holding his face. Charlie laughed, and Dean snorted.

"You hurt your face, bud?" Charlie teased, and Sam flipped her off with one hand while the other still rested over his face. Shaking his head, Dean went over to his closet and threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Charlie was unfazed by this, having been friends with him for long enough to know that he didn't give a shit who was in the room when he changed. Sam normally bitched about it, but he was occupied, so Dean didn't have to hear his shit for once.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Dean raised an eyebrow, knowing damn well that the food shouldn't be there yet. Charlie gave him an odd look, Sam having probably filled her in on the food situation. Dean headed out of his bedroom and went for the stairs, thumping down them. Who the fuck would have come to his house? Maybe someone had forgotten something from the party?

Once he reached the front door, he unlocked it and had hardly opened it when he got shoved backwards. Dean shouted, looking up to see none other than the joy that was Novak. For fuck's sake, it was like nine am. What the hell was his deal?

"I'll tell you what my fucking deal is," Novak spat as he slammed the door, and Dean started, realizing he must have spoken out loud. "You got your stupid fucking ass drunk, and suddenly there are rumors about us hooking up on set. Do you realize how detrimental this is for my reputation?"

Despite the obvious rage that Novak's heaving chest and glare pushed off, Dean decided he didn't give a fuck and would be pushing his buttons. Again.

"Are you fucking stupid? There's been a rumor that we're fucking for literally years. Plus, this is good press for the movie considering the character relationships," Dean said, crossing his arms. "Now do you want to explain what gave you the fucking nerve to show up on my doorstep and then shove me?"

He hadn't realized it, but he must have been stepping closer to Novak as he got angrier, because they were quite literally inches apart. Both were breathing heavy, and Dean could see Novak's hands twitching like he was trying not to hit him.

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