Chapter Four

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They had, in fact, gone back to Dean's place. They'd played games for a few hours, and then someone suggested drinking. After that, it had all gone directly downhill.

That was how Dean found himself in his living room, plastered, with a bunch of Hollywood's wilder members in his house and music blasting. He didn't remember inviting people, but he must have at some point, either that or his friends did. Either way, he didn't particularly give a shit. It was a fun fucking party.

As he stumbled around, looking for Sam, he tried to remember why he was looking for him and then looked down at his hand. Oh, shit, that was right, he had found Sam's shoe. He needed to return it. Yelling for Sam, he walked through the hallway, and he was sure it was tilted. But he walked this hallway every day, it could always be tilted. Right?

Either way, he finally managed to find Sam and give the dumb bitch his shoe, and Sam smiled like Dean had given him a puppy. Also drunk off his ass, Sam held the shoe up in both hands and slurred, "My shoe!"

Dean patted him on the back and then stumbled off, seeing Charlie making out with some girl he didn't know in the corner. Giving her a thumbs up as he passed, he decided to go to the kitchen and get some water before he fucking puked.

Despite the noise being a bit less in the kitchen, there were several couples making out in there, and at least one of them was getting handsy. Ignoring all of them, he managed to get a cup out of his cabinet without breaking everything, feeling very self satisfied at this revelation. Turning toward the sink, he got as much water as he could in the cup without dropping it, then proceeded to chug it. He did this a few times, then set the cup down, gripping the counter. He felt slightly less like the world was spinning, which he counted as a win.

Managing to have some semblance of balance again, he let go of the counter and turned, taking a deep breath. Once he was sure he was stable, he started making his way to the living room, where the music was loud enough that you couldn't hear a soul. Immediately, a girl caught his eye where she was dancing. She was fucking stunning, with long, dark hair, bright eyes, and a body that put models to shame. As he'd been looking, she had apparently noticed, coming over to where he was and dancing near him, then with her hands on his shoulders and his hands on her hips. Before he knew it, she was so close that she was practically pressed up against his body, and he couldn't help the groan that fell from his lips as he tightened his hold on her hips. Despite how drunk he was, he could feel his dick twitching to life at the moment.

That was, until someone yanked the girl back. He couldn't process it for a moment, but as he looked at what had happened, he realized that fucking Novak was not only in his house, but had just scared off his chance for an incredible hook-up. The girl was long gone by then, and Dean glared him down, suddenly feeling far less buzzed.

"Are you fucking serious?" He spat, surprised that his voice wasn't slurring. Maybe he had started to sober up a bit without noticing.

Novak looked at him with that fucking smirk on his face, and Dean, not for the first time, wanted to punch it off of him. Cursing under his breath, he turned to walk away, only to find Novak jerking him around and shoving his back against the wall, right forearm across his throat. He stared Dean down, and despite how pissed off Dean was, he couldn't help noticing how fucking blue the guy's eyes were. Shaking it off and blaming the alcohol, he shoved back, knocking Novak off of him.

They stared for a minute, doing nothing, and Dean could almost feel his blood pressure rising. Finally, he took a step forward and spoke, loud enough that he knew Novak could hear him.

"Get the fuck out of my house, or I'm calling the cops," he said, shoving him one last time before he turned to vanish deeper into the house. He heard Novak say something, but couldn't make out exactly what it was. Flipping him off, he entered a doorway where he knew Novak wouldn't be able to see him anymore, sighing.

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