Chapter Ten

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Work was, to say it politely, fucking hell for the next few days.

The rumors had spread, and they had spread to an unprecedented level. Dean hated to admit it, but Novak was right. Something had changed now that they were working together, because this rumor refused to die no matter who tried to kill it. It was pissing Dean off, not only because Novak was right, but because it was no one's business what he did and they needed to fuck off.

After four days of this, Dean was nearly at his breaking point. Every sound irritated him, and he really just wanted to scream at everyone who asked him questions. He squashed the urges down, knowing it wasn't fair to them, but his body was shaking with everything he was bottling up as it threatened to boil over.

He managed to get through their first recording session of the day and immediately stormed to his trailer, slamming the door so hard it bounced back open and the noise echoed. Swearing loudly at it, he went to grab it to shut it, again, when a hand grabbed his wrist.

He could not be fucking serious.

Novak was here, again, holding his arm and walking up the steps into his trailer. He let go of Dean to turn and shut the door, and that was when the very small thread connecting Dean and his patience decided to break. As soon as Novak turned, Dean slapped him across the face, getting in his space and screaming as he clutched his abused cheek.

"Are you fucking serious? I've been pissed off all week, very obviously because of the news about whatever the fuck happened between us, and not only do you come to see me, you make it as suspicious as all fuck. What the hell is wrong with you? Was being near me and pissing me off not enough for you? You had to come piss me off in private, too?" Dean spat.

Novak glared up at him, deciding he'd had enough, it would seem, by the grip he suddenly had on Dean's throat. He choked him with his right hand as he walked him backward until Dean was against the wall, clawing at his hand and glaring at him as he fought his ass off. He would kill Novak as soon as he let go, he knew he would. Cas loosened his grip only slightly so that Dean could breathe, leaning into his personal space with a sinister grin.

"Oh, so now you're tough? As I recall, you said it wasn't a big deal. Maybe you have a different definition of big deal than I do, though," Cas teased, pressing a knee harshly between Dean's thighs and making him gasp at the force. "Maybe I should fucking show you what a big deal looks like, because it sure as hell isn't you."

Never removing his hand from Dean's throat and returning his glare in stride, Cas shoved two fingers into Dean's mouth and laughed quietly as he choked at the sudden intrusion. His mistake, though, because pissed off Dean made the impulse decision to bite.

Pulling his hand back sharply, Cas looked down at the blood on his fingers where Dean had bit him. When his eyes met Dean's again, they had a feral element to them that Dean had never seen in him before. He was a bit embarrassed to admit that it made his dick hard almost instantly.

"You wanna act like an animal?" Cas spat, leaning in to Dean's face. "Fine, then I'll just fuck you like the bitch that you are."

With no warning, Dean was on the floor, face pressed into the cheap tiling of the trailer on his knees and chest. Novak's hand didn't move from his head once, but he heard him undoing his belt and then felt his own pants being removed. God, he should be more concerned about this, but even pissed off, being manhandled was hot. He stopped fighting as much, not able to do much damage on his stomach anyway.

It seems that Cas had brought lube to this encounter, because his slicked finger began to tease Dean's hole without the drawer having been opened. Dean didn't know if that was something he really wanted to focus on, but had the decision made for him when Cas pushed his finger in and all of Dean's focus went immediately to the intrusion. There was no gentleness in the way Cas was stretching him. In fact, it felt like he was doing everything in his power to not snap and fuck him raw in his rage.

Cas added another finger, thrusting them roughly into Dean as he scissored them to open him up. Dean tried to push back on the fingers only for the hand shoving his head to the floor to push harder, and he gave up immediately. That would not be a fight that he would win, not when they were both in this mood.

After rather hurriedly putting another finger in, it became clear that Castiel's patience had run out. Removing both hands from their contact on Dean's body, he flipped him onto his back and shoved Dean's knees toward his chest, quickly stripping both of them of any remaining clothing. Now that Dean was looking at him, it was almost too much. Cas was panting in his rage, that feral look still in his eyes and fully disheveled. Dean wasn't given much time to dwell on that, however, because without any warning, Castiel had pushed into him.

Dean threw his head back, a strangled moan of pain and pleasure tearing itself from his throat as his hands dug into Cas's shoulder blades, scrambling for purchase. There was no slow start, no warm up. The punishing pace that Cas set was instantaneous, and Dean didn't mind one bit. Cas's hands had found a death grip on his hips, and Dean could feel his nails breaking the skin as he thrust roughly into him.

Dean moaned loudly, arching his back to get a better angle. As soon as he did, Cas's thrusts got harsher, and suddenly each one was hitting his prostate dead on. Dean's eyes rolled back and he nearly screamed in pleasure, trying to match Cas's thrusts. Suddenly, that hand was back on his throat, and he held onto Cas's arm tightly as he looked up at him, strangled moans still getting through. Cas looked fucking off his rocker, but Christ did he look hot right then.

"Quiet, slut," Cas said, leaning down to murmur in Dean's ear. "We wouldn't want any more rumors flying, now would we?"

Dean shook his head and Cas grinned, loosening his grip and placing his hands on either side of Dean's head on the floor. Dean took a loud gulp of air, watching Castiel intently. Cads sped up further, his hair hanging down and his breath coming out in pants and gasps. Dean could hear him swearing lightly under his breath, and Dean was trying his best to be quiet as well. The sweat was a light sheen across Cas's body as he continued brutally fucking into Dean.

Finally, Dean could take it no more. He tried to gasp out a warning to Castiel, but it came far too late to help either of them. Within seconds, he was coming, his head hitting the floor below him hard and hands digging into Cas's back in an attempt to be quiet. Castiel's thrusts got sloppy, and within a few moments of Dean, he was finishing as well. He stayed hovering over Dean, panting and dripping with sweat, as he rode through his orgasm.

As soon as he was done, he rolled off of Dean and laid on the floor beside him, attempting to catch his breath. Dean was far too tired to consider being angry anymore, so he supposed that was a perk. Sighing, Dean managed to drag himself into a sitting position and look down at Castiel, who had an arm thrown over his eyes as his chest rose and fell rapidly. Clearing his throat, Dean got Cas's attention, and he moved his arm slightly to look up at Dean.

"We need to shower," Dean said, nodding toward the bathroom in the trailer. Cas nodded, removing his arm completely and standing, then helping Dean up. As they went to move to the bathroom, Dean heard a knock on the door to the trailer.

"Mr. Winchester? Your scene is about to start, are you ready?" An assistant called. Dean swore under his breath, shoving Castiel toward the bathroom as he answered back.

"Sorry, I'm really not feeling well. We might have to postpone for a bit or maybe do the scene tomorrow," he called back, ignoring the answer as he and Castiel reached the bathroom and shut the door quickly.

Dean shook his head as he turned on the water, letting the warm steam fill up the room as the water heated. Once the shower was ready, Dean turned to Castiel where he leaned on the counter.

"Do you want to do this one at a time or together to get this done faster?" Dean asked, and the look on Castiel's face was a slight echo of the feral face from earlier.

"Considering that I'm still pissed at you, I'd say together," Castiel said, smirking as he stepped in. Dean sighed, following him in. This was getting more complicated by the day.

Oh well, at least the sex was good.

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