Chapter Eighteen

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When Dean finally stirred awake, he felt inexplicably warm. Shifting slightly, he realized that there was an arm around his hip and a face nuzzled in his hair. Immediately, he remembered the events fo the previous day. Fuck, this was gonna be a PR nightmare. Plus, this was the day the movie production was supposed to resume. Sighing, he elbowed Novak in the ribs gently.

Getting only a groan in response, Dean did it again, getting swatted this time as Novak mumbled something incoherent into his neck. Letting out an exasperated noise, Dean tried to wiggle free, to no avail. Shaking his head, he turned it over his shoulder to try to look at Castiel.

"Dude, we have work. You gotta get up," he said, and Cas lifted his head away from Dean to give him a bleary eyed look. Clearly, he wasn't quite awake yet, because he looked as if he had processed about one word of what Dean had said.

"What?" He mumbled, and Dean did not find his morning voice attractive at all. Nope, not even a little bit. Sighing, Dean reached over and gently smacked him on the side of his head.

"We have work, dumb ass. We have jobs? And we have to go do them today?" He said again, and Cas finally heard him, groaning and flopping onto his back as he released Dean from the cuddle hold. Shaking his head at the dramatics, Dean stood and out his hands on his hips.

"We both have to shower," he enticed, and Novak opened his eyes, eyebrows going up. Dean laughed, grabbing a pillow to smack him with it.

"Come on, douche bag, up and at 'em," he teased, and Cas finally got up, immediately picking Dean up around his stomach and carrying him into the bathroom despite any and all protests. Setting Dean down on his feet, Cas dodged backwards to avoid the smack thrown at him. Laughing, he shook his head at Dean.

"Oh, come on now. You've gotta be faster than that," he said, and Dean rolled his eyes, flipping him off over his shoulder as he went to turn the water on.

He heard rustling behind him that probably meant that Castiel had taken it upon himself to get out of his pajamas, and was instantly proven right in that thinking when a warm and obviously naked body pressed against him from behind. Cas's arms locked around his hip and shoulder as he pulled him against his chest, smirking down at Dean when he leaned his head back to look at him. Dean could feel how flushed his face was, and Novak could clearly see it. Laughing quietly, he mouthed at Dean's neck.

"How about you get out of these clothes so we can get into the shower?" He said against his skin.

Dean couldn't argue with that logic. Pushing Castiel off of him slightly, he quickly took his pajamas off and stepped into the now hot shower, Cas following immediately after him and shutting the shower door.

As soon as it was shut, he had Dean pushed against the shower wall, lifting under one of his thighs so it rested against his hip. Dean moaned involuntarily at the slow slide of skin on skin as their cocks came in contact. Fuck, he always forgot how big Castiel was until he was touching it.

Laughing softly where he was licking at Dean's jaw, Cas came up to press their lips together. Grinding his hips against Dean's, he earned himself a gasp, using it to lick his tongue into Dean's mouth. Dean already felt like his legs were jelly, and the hand that wasn't holding Dean's leg against Cas's hip cradled Dean's face to let Cas deeper into his mouth. God, it was so easy to overthink outside of sex, but when they were here it was all Dean wanted.

Still slowly grinding his hips against Dean's, Cas let the hand under Dean's thigh drift downward to run gently over his hole with his fingertips. Hooking his foot around Cas quickly so his leg wouldn't drop, Dean let his head fall back against the shower wall at the sensation. Castiel immediately took advantage of this, sucking hickeys into his neck and occasionally nipping with his teeth. Dean hated to admit how much he liked the little bites and the soothing kisses afterwards, but they had his mind melting.

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