Chapter Twenty Three

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Holy fuck, what the hell was he supposed to do about being in love?

Dean had woken up the next morning significantly more sober and significantly more panicked. What if Castiel didn't feel that way? What if it wasn't really love, and he'd end up going too far before he realized and couldn't get out of the relationship? What if...

He rubbed at his face aggressively as he stood in the bathroom, having just taken a shower that had become more focused on overthinking the longer he was in there. The "what if's" were swimming through his head, and frankly, he wasn't a fan of it. Despite hating it, he couldn't seem to help it. Sighing, he decided to invite his friends over and just talk to them while the three of them hung out.

That was still a weird thing to think, he realized, freezing mid-step. Three, not four. The thought was more painful still than he'd like to admit, and now he had two reasons to have his friends come distract him. Fuck this, today was a day off anyway.

Grabbing his phone, he wrote out a quick text to Sam and Charlie. They never had stopped using the group chat Jess was a part of, even though they probably should have. So far, they just couldn't bring themselves to make a new one. Shaking his head as if he could throw the thought from it, he sent the text.

Dean: you guys wanna hang out? I have date things to talk about and mostly just want to not be by myself today lmao

It was a few minutes later when he finally got an answer, pausing as he pulled his shirt over his head momentarily before finishing the task and picking up his phone.

Firecracker: sure thing, dude. I'm on the way

Giant: absolutely, and I will be kicking your asses at Mario Kart again

Dean knew Charlie wouldn't be able to resist the bait, and it seemed that he was correct, because it was ten seconds later that her rely came through. He laughed out loud at the fight that ensued.

Firecracker: the fuck you will! I'm the reigning champion motherfucker

Giant: no you are not, Charlie. You lost three games in a row the last time we played

Firecracker: oh, so we're forgetting the comeback I had after that where I beat you FIVE games in a row?

There was a beat of silence, and then:

Giant: fuck off.

Firecracker: that's what I thought bitch

After that, there was relative group chat peace until Charlie arrived, followed only a minute later by Sam. Dean hadn't even gotten to the door when he heard them yelling about Mario Kart outside. Shaking his head with a snort, he opened the door and moved out of the way immediately. Predictably, they stormed past him and upstairs to settle this for real. Shutting his door, he followed them up, jogging up the stairs.

Charlie was already holding the controller, arguing with Sam that she got to be first player since she was the current champion. He grumbled, but seemed to allow it. The game started quickly after that, and Dean sat on the couch to watch their chaos unfold.

After they had played a few rounds and Charlie yet again kicked Sam's ass, Dean decided to talk to them. Clearing his throat, he got their attention from where they were sitting next to him.

"So, I kinda have a thing. About the date last night," he said, and Charlie almost threw her controller.

"Oh my god, yes! I totally forgot! Tell me everything," she demanded, turning to face him fully. Sam did the same, less violently, and Dean started in.

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