Chapter Seven

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It had been days, and Dean was starting to think he'd lost his god damn mind. Novak had been religiously avoiding and ignoring him, only interacting with him in scenes. Something had been going on when he'd come into his trailer, he knew it. So why the fuck couldn't he figure out what, and why the hell couldn't he figure out Novak either? After four days of this, he was fucking exhausted, getting home and going straight to sleep after their later shoot day.

When Dean stirred to life the next morning for work, he found that he really, really would rather stay in bed. After all, there were no confusing assholes in bed except himself, and he knew how to deal with that one. Groaning, he dragged himself up, jumping into the shower and then quickly getting dressed.

Texting the driver, he headed downstairs, only to see that not only was the driver already there, but had grabbed him coffee. Getting into the car, he cradled the coffee as it was handed to him, a soft sigh leaving him as he took a sip.

"Thank you," he said, and the driver waved his hand at him, smiling, as he began driving.

"Don't worry about it. I could tell you had a rough day yesterday, so I figured you needed it. Plus, it was a good excuse to get myself some," he said, holding his up for Dean to see. Dean chuckled, sipping his coffee and looking out the windows as they went on their way.

Arriving on set, Dean thanked the driver again and got out, throwing his then empty coffee cup away on his way inside. Running a hand down his face, he made a beeline for the costume department, hoping to be ready to go as fast as possible. After all, the faster he got ready, the faster he could go get more coffee from the assistants.

Isaiah got him into costume and situated, then sent him over to makeup to see Rayna. On his way over, he passed Novak going to costume, and the other man didn't even glance at him. Oh, so they were still playing this that way, huh? Dean could do that shit.

Rayna got him ready to go, all while talking his ear off and nearly making him laugh. Midway through, Novak entered and his makeup artist started on him, but Dean dutifully ignored him. Once Rayna was certain his makeup was cemented on and going nowhere, she smiled and sat her things down.

"You're good to go, my man!" She said, hitting him on the back lightly. He stood and smiled at her, making his way out and past Novak. Except, that time, he caught him watching him leave in the mirror.

So Dean hadn't been crazy. There was something fucking happening there, he just wasn't sure what.

Darting around moving set pieces until he got to the area where the assistants had laid out some morning food and coffee, he grabbed the one they'd put his name on and took a long drink. It was damn good, as they'd learned he liked caramel and started making him fantastic caramel coffee. Sitting down in his chair off to the side of set, he drank his coffee and ran over lines for the day.

Soon enough, Novak had emerged from makeup and was making his presence known by being loud and vaguely in the way of everyone. Jesus, he really was the worst. Shaking his head, Dean went back to the lines, knowing damn well Novak would leave him be for now. At least they were filming a pretty basic scene today, one of the ones where both of them were in civilian attire and his character didn't know that the other character, Jamie, was the villain. However, Jamie knew that Harris was the hero, so he was trying to get close to him on purpose. Over all, just a basic interaction between people. If anything, Novak had the hard part.

Almost ten minutes later, the set was good and they were ready for them. Dean headed on, getting seated at the table he was supposed to be at for the scene. It was set in a cafe in the city, so he was perfectly happy about the coffee they gave him to drink at one point in the scene. Because, after all, when had he been known to pass up caffeine?

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