chapter six

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IF CRYSTAL was already excited on her way to the circus, now that she had arrived, she was absolutely thrilled to be there — it had always brought so much euphoria to her, and now that her mother wasn't around, the circus had definitely become her favorite place on earth because it connected the two of them. 

However, everything began to set in just when Crystal managed to find her seat. Her mom had been gone for a while now, but to Crystal, it was still all so recent. Her best friend, her only supporter, wasn't there with her anymore, and Crystal's whole world seemed to be crumbling little by little.

Crystal quickly shook those sad thoughts off — she knew her mother wouldn't have liked to see her crying. Instead, Crystal just sat down, and mentally braced herself for what would be the best circus performance she would ever see. Even if she didn't know it just yet.


MEANWHILE, Gigi, who was backstage, was terrified. She glanced at all of the other performers cramped into the small room — they all seemed like strangers to her. They were rehearsing their acts or retouching their makeup, while giving Gigi nasty looks, or gossiping about her to each other, probably jealous about Gigi being so graceful almost effortlessly. But she couldn't help that she was pretty — it was both a gift and a curse.

''Hey Geeg! I'm so happy to see you!'' Jan dragged Gigi out of her thoughts, by greeting her cheerfully.

''Oh, hi, dummy, you almost scared me!'' Gigi exclaimed, hugging her friend.

''You know, you're actually the only reason I showed up to this gig. Well, that, and that I would be back to living in the streets otherwise.'' Gigi confessed.

''Also the cute guys that we might find in the crowd! Make sure to leave some for me too, bombshell.'' Jan said, joking. That comment shot Gigi like a bullet — Jan was pretty much her sister at the circus, she had told Jan her whole life... except that she was gay.

And, to be completely honest, Gigi was slightly scared of telling her. Her parents had reacted horribly to her coming out, and she knew Jan was much more different to them; but still, Gigi preferred to not run that risk.

''Hey you two! I haven't ever seen either of you around. Are you new or something?'' A random dude, who appeared out of nowhere, said, standing in between the two girls and putting his arms around them.

''Um, hello? We don't know you.'' A confused Gigi asked.

''Well, hello, lady! You're someone I'd love to know. With a face like that, legs like that, and a butt like this, you actually look like my perfect match!'' The guy turned to Gigi, and squeezed her butt, causing the two girls to gasp.

''Hey Gary! Stop harassing my girls — they're not interested! Go shave your back.'' Kelly yelled, as she approached them. As soon as Gary heard her, he dashed out through the door.

''Yeah, get lost, Gary!'' Jan said.

''Go fuck yourself, Gary!'' Gigi screamed.

''I'm so sorry, girls. That's the manager of this place's son — can you believe it? Whatever, he's an asshole, pay him no mind... On other news, we're going out in half an hour, so finish getting ready!'' Kelly comforted the two girls.

''Thank you, Kelly. We will.'' Jan said, pulling Gigi to one of the makeup stations, so they could keep on gossiping in peace.

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