chapter fourteen

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IT wasn't even two days since the last class for Crystal to be already missing the blonde. She missed Gigi's soft hands being placed on her waist to give her balance on the silks; she missed her delicate laugh; and above all, Crystal missed Gigi teasing her, because — even if it was for just a moment; even if it was just a joke to Gigi — every time she cupped her face, or run her fingers through her red hair, Crystal felt on top of the world.

Crystal let out a huge sigh of love, as she wracked her brain, trying to figure out what to do — she wanted to talk to someone who she knew wouldn't be judgmental about her hasty crush, and who would also offer her quality advice on the situation. And, per usual, the first person who came to mind was Jacqueline Cox.

Crystal hurried to look for her cellphone, lost in the sheets; until she found it, and dialed her friend's number quickly. After a short period of waiting anxiously, Jackie's face appeared on Crystal's screen.

''What now?'' Jackie groaned, jokingly rolling her eyes.

''Um, Hi, Jackie. I'm glad to see you too!'' Crystal sarcastically replied.

''You calling me every day is now becoming a consistent ritual, Cryssie-girl.''

''What? Are you tired of seeing my beautiful face?!'' Crystal said, smugly framing her face, and playing with her red hair, causing Jackie to laugh.

''Never. But you are getting me kind of worried. Is something wrong?'' Jackie said with severe tone, as she leaned closer to the camera.

''Oh, at all! Quite the opposite, I'd say. Do you remember the picture of that hot blonde in my circus ticket?''

''Yes, sharply. Why?''

''Well, her name's Gigi, and I somehow managed to get myself into aerial silks training with her; and I may or may not have caught serious feelings for her...'' Crystal guiltily confessed.

''Oh my god, Crystal Elizabeth Methyd.'' Jackie laughed, pretending to look at her in disappointment.

''I know! But she's so hot and adorable at the same time.'' Crystal explained, almost drooling.

''Well, do you have any clue if she's gay?'' Jackie asked, intrigued.

''Not exactly; but the thing is it should be pretty clear for me at this point — she's always so friendly and flirtatious with me; but I can't tell if she's just being polite, or hitting or me, or just teasing me, and...'' Crystal worriedly explained, but Jackie interrupted her.

''Well, to me, it just sounds like you're overthinking your situation with Gigi way too much.''

''What do you mean?''

''I think you should just go for it! Maybe she is gay and into you, and you guys end up dating. And if she's not, I think you'd be the perfect candidate to show her the perfect and magical world of dating women, and you guys would end up dating too. So, just do it! What is there to lose, right?'' Jackie wisely advised her.

''You know what, Jackie? You're right — I think I'll shoot my shot with Gigi.'' Crystal confidently said.

''Awesome, don't forget to tell me all the juicy details when you do! Also, — You're right, Jackie? — Please, tell me something I don't know.'' Jackie joked, making her friend laugh, right before hanging up the call.

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