chapter seven

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AFTER a time of waiting that seemed eternal, the spectacle finally began. As soon as the red velvet curtain opened wide, Crystal's breath was taken away.

The ringleader appeared from behind — a tall pretty girl with long black glossy curls that fell over her shoulders, who was dressed in a tailcoat, a tuxedo bodysuit, sequin shorts, mesh tights, high black leather boots, and a tophat, as well as a whip in her hands, that she swung from one side to the other. Crystal instantly recognized her.

''Hello, friends! Let me introduce myself for the ones who don't know me — My name is Kelly Jade Miller, but most people here may know me as Kinky Kelly. I guess you can figure out how I got that nickname...'' Kelly introduced herself, and cracked her whip, causing the whole room to fill in laughter.

''Anyways, I'll be your dazzling ringmaster extraordinaire for the night, which means I'll be introducing the acts of each of the sickening artists that'll perform tonight. We, as a circus, have put a lot of effort into this, so we truly hope it'll be to your liking. Enjoy.'' Kelly continued, and just like that, she walked away, leading to countless circus acts.

Crystal loved every single one of them — she was amazed at many of the new performers' skills, and recognized many others too. Anyhow, whoever had doubts about how much did Crystal like circus acts, could just have seen her face at that moment, and all of their doubts would've been clarified. Crystal even let a few tears out too, whenever something that reminded her of mother occurred.

Until suddenly, when Crystal thought she had seen it all, the unexpected happened. Crystal found herself reminded of why did she love this particular circus so much — for all of the out-of-the-blue gags they always prepared. 

''Okay, so — it is with great pleasure I introduce this next performer. She's a genius at what she does, and a very dear friend of mine. Please, give it up for everyone's favorite blonde bombshell, Gigi Goode!''

Immediately after Kelly's annoucement, the whole stage went dark, except for one spotlight, which shuffled all over the stage in circles, until it finally focused on a fixed point.

It was a young lady who was just about to begin her act. In front of her, were two silks which were hanged from the very top of the ceiling. Crystal was close enough to the stage to take a closer look at the girl — she was blonde and had brown eyes. Her face seemed to be made out of the same material she was going to use for her act.

But what really caught Crystal's eye was her body — she had an athletic figure, and her torso was perfectly proportional to the rest of her body. Crystal immediately found herself enthralled by the mysterious performer.

Gigi held the two silks fabrics, and swung them around for a while to the rhythm of the music. Then, she jumped to propel herself, and with that, she was already pretty high from the floor. She held herself onto the silks using every single one of her limbs, and rotated her body in various ways, never letting go of the fabrics.

Now that Gigi was doing that, Crystal got the opportunity to look better at her legs, and found herself enchanted yet again — they seemed to be leagues long, and they were the type of legs that gave the impression of being perfectly smooth and velvety.

It wasn't until that moment that Crystal came to the very late realization that the girl who was now performing was the same girl that Crystal had seen in her circus ticket days ago.

As soon as Crystal's neurons synapsed with that thought, her mouth opened widely — she couldn't believe that, right at that very moment, she was watching the act of the girl she hadn't been able to get off her mind for the longest time.

There weren't many things Crystal wanted to do more than go and talk to Gigi for hours, and kiss her passionately. Crystal really wished she was gay...

But at the same time, Jackie's words came to her mind too, ''I bet you could turn her gay with just one stare''. Crystal couldn't help but wonder how veracious was that statement — she liked to think she was pretty, smart, and a little bit funny; but was she enough to turn a girl gay? Let alone, a girl like Gigi Goode?...

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