chapter eighteen

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''OKAY, Cryssie-girl, let's get down to business.'' Gigi temptingly said, putting her hands on her hips.

''My body's your instrument — do with it as you please.'' Crystal joked, making the other girl burst in laughter.

''Today I'm going to teach you how to do the gazelle. I know it sounds weird and complex, but I promise it's super easy.'' Gigi said, gesturing Crystal to walk towards the silks.

''I trust you.'' Crystal replied, doing as Gigi said.

''Okay, so, first, do a single foot lock with your right foot.'' The blonde said, as the other girl obeyed.

''Now, with your right hand, take hold of the silk.''

''Great. So, since the free silk is sitting under your right armpit, as it should, let the free silk fall from there to your back.'' She continued.

''Now, grab the silk with your free hand tightly right next to the left waist.'' Gigi said, and Crystal listened carefully, as she executed each step.

''Nice! Throw the left silk around your body, holding it, so it leans backwards.''

''Now, cinch the silk towards your crotch so that it tightens into the wrap around here.'' Gigi said, as she playfully tapped on Crystal's groin, like she always did, causing the redhead to laugh.

''Don't distract me, Ms. Goode!'' Crystal joked, as she tried to refocus.

''Okay, okay, sorry. Finally, bring the left leg up into a gazelle position.'' Gigi finally commanded, as Crystal obeyed to perfection.

''Flawless! Like always...'' Gigi praised her friend, and clapped loudly.

''Thank you, but I've learned from the best.'' Crystal said, getting off the silks, and doing an awkward reverence before Gigi.

Gigi looked at her like a fool. Crystal was everything Gigi had ever dreamed of a girl — she was a smart, goofy, wide-eyed babe. She was everything that was right in the world; and the fact that Gigi maybe would never even be able to make the future she had imagined next to Crystal come to life, shattered her heart into a million pieces.


ONCE the class finally ceased, Crystal recalled something she had wanted to ask Gigi for a very long time. She didn't know if the time had come already, and she was awfully nervous; but she decided it was now or never. She took one last glance at Gigi, who was on the other side of the room, quietly fixing her stuff, and getting ready to leave, and went for it.

''Gigi, are you leaving already?'' Crystal said, getting closer to where she was.

''Duh, silly. Class is over... Why? Do you want to take me somewhere?'' Gigi flirtatiously joked.

''Well... Now that you bring it up — I was thinking about going to the café next door, and I figured out I'd ask you to join me.'' Crystal shyly explained.

''Oh, is this the Crystal Methyd asking me out on a date?!'' Gigi pretended to be surprised, causing Crystal to awkwardly chuckle.

''Maybe... But you don't have to say yes if you don't want to...'' Crystal hastily said.

''Why wouldn't I? I want to take advantage every opportunity to get to know you better.'' Gigi replied, taking hold of Crystal's cold hands.

''I feel the same about you...'' Crystal timidly said.

''You fascinate me, Methyd.'' Gigi said, in a low sensual voice, as she brought her face closer to Crystal's neck; but just when the redhead thought she was going to plant a kiss on her neck, Gigi turned her head.

''So, it's settled — we're going to the café. Together.'' Gigi said, making it very obvious she was aware she had left Crystal hanging.

''It's a date.'' Crystal said, playing along, and laughing at Gigi's tease.

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