chapter twenty one

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CRYSTAL hadn't been able to take Gigi off of her mind, even though it had been almost 3 hours since they had last seen each other. But that wasn't a new feeling to Crystal — in fact, she had become used to thinking about Gigi for long, long hours, and creating fake scenarios to hopefully isolate herself from her reality. And that hadn't caused any inconveniences to her hectic life... until now.

Crystal was just closing her house door by kicking it, due to having her hands full. As she walked inside her bedroom, and changed into more comfortable clothes, Crystal sat down on her bed, and turned her phone on.

Her lock-screen was overflowing with plenty of text notifications from many of her acquaintances, which only confused Crystal — she didn't understand the reason so many people had texted her that very day. Crystal raised an eyebrow, as she clicked on one of the texts, more particularly, Jackie's — Crystal figured out she'd give her the most sensible answer.

Crystal, I just wanted to give you my greatest condolences. I can only imagine how bad another year without your mom by your side must feel like. Remember that I'll always be here for whatever you need <3

And at that very moment, Crystal realized what was going on. She took one more look at the date to make sure, and indeed it was. Crystal let out a small disappointment sigh, and some tears slid through her reddish cheeks.

Crystal didn't know how to feel about the occurrence, let alone what to do. She knew it was way too late to go to the cemetery, but she also knew she had to do something. Crystal was very disappointed and, somewhat, disgusted at herself too — how come she missed her mother every day more than the last, and she forgot about her death anniversary?

Offhand, Crystal took a quick glance to her right, more specifically, to her nightstand. She raised an eyebrow at the thought that had just crossed her mind. Was it the right thing to do? There wasn't much she could do, other than that. Plus, it was better than nothing. So, what was there to lose?

And with that, Crystal doubtfully leaned over to her nightstand, and grabbed the portrait of her mom, that sat on top of the nightstand. It had become the medium that brought her closer to her mother, and Crystal had treasured it for a very long time.

''Hi mom, I'm sorry for not talking to you any sooner. I had other things to do today. Not that they're any more important that you, just... Ugh, whatever, you get my point. I miss you every single day, and I know you watch over me — thank you for that.

Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something else too... There's this girl, her name is Gigi, and I really like her. I don't know if she likes me back, though — she always flirts with me, but I don't know if she's just being friendly or if there's more to it; and I'm way too shy to ask her out myself. Regardless of that, I think we're soulmates — not necessarily in a romantic way. I just think we get along so perfectly, almost as if we were two pieces of a puzzle, just clicking together. Kind of like how dad and you used to be.

Oh, speaking of dad... I don't know much about him — I haven't seen him in a while; and, quite frankly, I don't think he wants to see me either. He just doesn't get me, mom — I used to think that he'd eventually grow out of it; but he hasn't talked to me in what seems like forever. And...'' In that very moment, Crystal's voice cracked, and her eyes started to overfill with tears, resulting into a loud sob.

''I miss you so much, mom. Life hasn't been the same without you. You are the only person who understands me to perfection. I know I can't ask you to come back, but please, please make everything with Gigi go well. Please let me know if you've listened to me.'' Crystal cried, hugging the portrait.

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