chapter twenty four

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IT was yet a Thursday like any other once again, and per usual, Gigi and Crystal were eager to see each other — though neither of them knew, Gigi and Crystal were beginning to fall madly in love with the other. Not necessarily just in a romantic manner — in fact, they both had put a lot of effort in their friendship, and they trusted each other a lot; they enjoyed spending time together, and though the main place where they did it was in the circus, they had met at other places multiple times, and they'd surely do it again. There was no doubt — these two really liked each other.

Thus, Gigi was particularly excited to see Crystal this time — she was really satisfied with last week's progress, and couldn't wait to keep working on the routine along her. It was all pretty odd, actually — Gigi Goode worked as an aerial silks circus performer. That was her job, and she didn't necessarily have to like it; yet somehow Crystal had, for the past month, made the blonde get up with a lot of enthusiasm to go to work, and see the redhead's beautiful face.

Gigi pulled over to the curb next to her workplace, and entered it to meet with Crystal, who surprisingly was already there.

''Now, who let you in?!'' Gigi joked, as she entered the place.

''No one, but I have my ways...'' Crystal shyly replied, as the two girls warmly laughed.

''Okay, girl... Whatever! Now we have to get to business.'' Gigi said, eagerly clapping, as she walked towards where the silks were, and the other girl joined her, skipping.

With that, Gigi and Crystal proceeded to continue devising and practicing the routine for their act in the big finale. This big finale was a big deal — this was the first time Gigi had ever served as an aerial silks teacher, but she had to prove everyone, from her cranky boss, to her morbid audience, and standoffish co-workers that she was more than a pretty face and nice body. Because Gigi was much more than that.

Crystal was well-aware of the weight of this huge performance as well — after all, this was the kind of spectacle she had year after year looked forward to assisting to, either with her mother or without her; and now finally, after so long of just being a witness of them, she'd finally participate in a Moonlight Circus grand finale! However, Crystal wasn't as star-struck as she would have wished she was; unfortunately for her, her mind was somewhere else; but Crystal still couldn't fully put her finger on where.

Anyhow, there was no doubt that Crystal's past few weeks had been rough — not only was adding one more year to her mother's death anniversary bad enough; but also the fact that she had completely forgotten about it was slowly shattering her heart more and more, as the days passed, clearly taking away her focus.

"Crystal, are you okay?" Gigi said with a concerned tone, dragging Crystal out of her thoughts, practically scaring her so much that she almost lost her grip.

"Uh! Yeah, Gigi, for sure. Why?" Crystal said, as she yelped.

"Your face... You look like you just saw a ghost." Gigi said, raising an eyebrow, and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, don't worry about that, Geeg. I'm just tired — I didn't get that much sleep last night; but don't worry, I'm running on adrenaline!" Crystal lied, but tried to make it sound as credible as possible. However, Gigi Goode was very hard to fool, and Crystal knew and loved that about her.

"Crys, I don't want to trespass with you; but I'm getting this really weird feeling right now. I don't think you're telling me the truth... I know we haven't known each other for very long; but I can tell that this isn't the Crystal Methyd I know and love. I really, really like you, Crys — I think you're a great girl, so funny and sweet, and I do consider you a friend because I feel like I can really trust you with anything; but... I don't think you view me like this. I can't help you with your problem if you keep denying the fact there is one." After a long pause, Gigi confessed, as she uneasily walked in circles before Crystal.

"It's really dumb, Geeg. Plus, I don't think you'd even be able to understand, let alone, help." Crystal replied, without even looking at the blonde in the eye; instead, having her eyes nailed onto the silks.

Gigi left her clipboard aside on top of a table, and walked closer to where Crystal was, as she lightly tugged on the silks, causing the redhead to unexpectedly but gracefully release her grip from them, and fall onto the safety pad.

"Crystal, I want to help you. Let me help you." Gigi said, as she pushed the pad farther from where the silks hung, so they wouldn't bother them as they spoke, and then she sat down on it, very close to Crystal.

"You're right, Geeg. This isn't the Crystal you know — that Crystal is kooky, and fun, and outrageous. That's the real Crystal, and I only show her to certain people I dearly trust, among them, you. And my mom. She was my biggest supporter; you know? Ever since I was little, I was the different girl among all the others; I'd stand out, but for all the wrong reasons. Yet my mom was the first and maybe only person who always made me feel like I belonged. Up until some years ago, I could've never been able to picture how life without her would be like; but just recently, I sadly had to experience that first-hand, as she passed away. And..." Crystal was explaining herself, but her voice cracked, and tears began sliding through her scarlet cheeks, catching her off guard.

"I have no one, Gigi. My dad hates me, he disowned me the very first day I came out to him. I have nothing — life without my mom isn't the same, it's pointless. I don't feel valuable anymore that she isn't here with me." Crystal uttered with difficulty in between sobs. Almost as if on cue, Gigi placed her hand on her friend's hand which was on Crystal thigh. This light touch gesture gave the redhead goosebumps.

"Crystal, I... had no idea. But don't say you have no one because you have me." Gigi attempted to comfort Crystal.

"Of course you had no idea... Don't you see it, Gigi? You have it all — perfect looks, perfect job, perfect family, perfect life... Some of us don't have it that easy." Crystal complained.

Gigi wasn't planning on saying anything — she was certain that Crystal had just said that because she was mad, but didn't truly mean it; plus, the real version of the story was none of Crystal's business; yet something within her begged Gigi for her to say something, to clap back, to set the record straight about her so-called 'perfect' life.

"Let me tell you a story, Crys — the story of my life, to be more precise. I didn't always have it easy — actually, I never have. Everything I have, my body, my job... I've worked for it, hard. Why? Because no one believed in me — you at least had your mom to support you; I can only dream of having supportive parents. They're scientists, and ever since I told them I wanted to work in the entertainment industry, they've taken pains to make my life impossible. That is until the day I turned 18 — as soon as I could, I left Illinois and my toxic parents behind, and moved to sunny Los Angeles. But the ordeal wasn't over yet — I still didn't know what I was doing with my life, spending most of my days in the streets, like a hooker. But I worked my charm, and applied to a big circus I had heard wonders about — The Moonlight Circus. And, five years later, here am I, teaching a gorgeous girl named Crystal aerial silks tricks. So, no, I haven't always had it easy." Gigi explained, and when she finished, Crystal's jaw dropped.

"Gigi, I really had no idea that you had gone through all of that. I'm so sorry for assuming...'' Crystal rushed to apologize, as the blonde offered her a warm smile.

''It's okay, Crys. But what I mean is — if I have gone to hell and back in the 23 years I've lived, and I have still thrived, it's because I have strived, and always put the best of me in everything I've done; so, who says you can't do the same?'' Gigi explained, as Crystal looked away.

''I believe in you, Crystal. I really, really do. They're all gonna love you out there...'' Gigi whispered, slowly caressing the redhead's soft cheek, and letting a few tears slide through hers.

There, the two girls completely broke into tears — this moment was sad, nostalgic, special, magical... Hard to go through, but easier, because at least they were together. They were a big limbs and tears mess; but at least they were together. And that was all that mattered.

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