chapter twenty three

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IN almost no time, it was already Thursday... again! I'd be lying to you if I told you neither Gigi nor Crystal had been looking forward to this day since they last saw each other, a week ago; so that, once again, albeit implicitly, they could use the circus lessons as an excuse to spend time together, and desire each other.

''Alright, Crystal — let's get down to business. I've practically taught you everything I know, for the past month; so I think we're ready to begin with the routine for the finale.'' Gigi said, rubbing her hands.

''Okay, let's fucking do this!'' Crystal exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, causing Gigi to laugh. The redhead had definitely changed her mind about participating in the finale since the last time Gigi brought it up.

''Mhm, that's the spirit! So, babygirl, how about we start with a sailor? I know you're good at that...'' Gigi said, standing in front of Crystal, as the latter walked towards the area where the silks hung.

''I mean, I wouldn't want to brag about it...'' Crystal ridiculously said, wrapping a strand of red hair around her finger, and slightly blushing. Crystal liked the fact that Gigi was picking up on these little details about her.

''Alright, poppet. Do your thang.'' Gigi cued her trainee, as the redhead nodded determinedly.

Crystal put on a focused face, as began doing the trick, just as Gigi had taught her weeks before — she formed a wrist lock with her right hand, inverted into a pencil position, and took both of her long legs, but never as long as Gigi's, to the side. Next, her legs heavily dropped to the side with a lot of force; and finally, she pulled up on her right arm, so that her elbow was bent and her hand was next to her shoulder.

''Amazing, Ms. Methyd; but are we even surprised?'' Gigi complimented her, delicately clapping.

''Thanks...'' Crystal said, with a shy smile.

''Now, let's move on to a candy cane.'' Gigi indicated.

''Mmm, yummy!'' Crystal said, making Gigi laugh once again.

Crystal yet again, flawlessly executed the feat — she formed a foot lock, and facing the front poll, descended towards her back, and came around the silk, meeting her starting position. Her right leg was at the front, with the silk wrapped around it; and she used her free leg to push the wrap down towards her left ankle. Crystal repeated that twice, to come out of it holding the front pole roll in the opposite direction.

''Nice! Okay, from there, go to a leanna.'' Gigi requested, and just then, a mischievous idea came to Crystal.

''Uhm, teach? I think I forgot how to do that? Could you maybe help me out?'' Crystal adorably said, hanging upside down, as she held onto the silks.

''Yeah, sure!'' Gigi replied, walking towards the girl.

''So, first, lift your body by using both of your hands to pull up.'' Gigi began, as Crystal obeyed verbatim.

''Then, bring the free leg to the other side of the silk.''

''Mmm, I don't know if I can do that...'' Crystal said, in the same pouty tone from before.

''Try, Crys. I know you can do it.'' Gigi said, laughing, just beginning to realize what Crystal was trying to do.

''Mkay, let's try...'' Crystal said, as she did like Gigi told her.

''See? I told you, you could do it! Now the silk's across your back and down to the hip.''

''Yup, I think it is.'' Crystal said, making Gigi giggle.

''Honestly, I don't blame you for not remembering how to do this trick — I should've gone over it with you way more.'' Gigi said, returning to her initial position.

''Mm, yeah... Yeah, I guess...'' Crystal muttered, without putting much attention to it.

''Okay, I'm lying to her — I know how to flawlessly execute each and every one of these tricks every which way; but I just love to see Gigi help me out with everything. A little lie never hurt anyone, right?'' Crystal puckishly thought.

''Okay, now let's move on to a split — you know how to do that, right, Crys?'' Gigi sarcastically asked, with a smirk.

''Mm yeah, but I might need some assistance.'' Crystal played along.

''Then, no worries — that's what I'm here for.'' Gigi said, walking closer to where Crystal was.

''First, bring both hands to the poles.'' Gigi said, as Crystal clung to the poles.

''Now, invert.''

''Cool! Remember, the silks should always lie here.'' Gigi said, and did that naughty thing she used to do to Crystal — tap on her groin; something Gigi sometimes did to mess with the redhead; but that she could've never imagined drove Crystal so crazy.

''Ha, yeah...whatever.'' Crystal babbled, unable to speak properly because of how nervous Gigi made her.

''Well, then I guess that's all for today. See you next week, gorgeous.''

''Haha, yeah... see you, Geeg.'' Crystal kept on babbling on her way to the door.

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