chapter fifteen

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THE adorable redhead was stuck on Gigi's mind too. The blonde couldn't stop thinking about the girl — her slender figure, her tender stare... everything about Crystal was driving her crazy; and the fact she'd probably never be able to open up about her emotions to her bothered Gigi, and worried her a little too.

It was frustrating — this wasn't the 50's anymore. There was no reason Gigi should've been hiding her burning love for Crystal; she should've been free to express it however she'd like; yet, she'd probably never be able to even know if Crystal felt the same about her if everything continued like so.

And all because of her dumb job — playing the sexy blonde had been fun for a while; until Crystal Methyd appeared out of nowhere to rock her world, and turn it upside down. And the worst part was — Crystal probably had no idea how recurrent her name was on Gigi's mind.

Gigi groaned loudly, as she threw her hands on her face, and curled her spine, which lied on the bed. No one had ever made Gigi feel the way Crystal was making her feel like — not even the high school boys she'd use to try and convince herself that she was straight.

Gigi scrolled through the names on her phone's contact list, trying to figure out who'd give her the best advice. A few names stumbled across her mind; but still, it didn't feel right. Jan's name suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and Gigi thought it'd be best to text her. Jan deserved to know — she had become her best friend so quickly, and Gigi was sure she wouldn't judge her. It was now or never.

Gigi: Hey Jan! How are you girl?

Jan: Hi Geeg, I'm great!

Gigi: Good to know, I'm great too

Gigi: Hey I need to tell you something...

Jan: Sure! Is it circus related?

Gigi: Not really... But you're so much more than just my co-worker, you're my friend too and you deserve to know this about me

Jan: Then go for it! I'm ready

Gigi: I'm a lesbian

Jan: Right... and you got a girlfriend?

Gigi: No but aren't you shocked about me coming out?!

Jan: Of course not! Gigi I've known all along! I think everyone at the circus has... All those times when I talked about boys and you, I was joking! And I love you and support you anyhow, and I always will <3

Gigi: Aww Jan I had no idea you knew! You're so sweet

Gigi: Well now that we're on the same page, I do have something else that I want to tell you

Gigi: Do you remember that redhead who I was talking to after the show the other day?

Jan: Yeah, how could I forget her... Her hair color was so bright it almost gave me a seizure

Gigi: Well I've been teaching her circus skills for the past month and I can't get her off my mind

Jan: Do you think you're falling in love with her?

Gigi: Possibly, I mean every time she's close, my heart beats fast; and every time she's far, I miss her so much

Jan: And do you know if she's into you too?

Gigi: Honestly, I don't even know if she's into girls, let alone into me. But sometimes I'll try to make a move on her, like get close to her, and she flirts back almost every time

Jan: Well why don't you try texting her? It'll definitely alleviate the emptiness in your heart and maybe you guys will be able to sort everything out!

Gigi: You do have a point with that Jan... I think I'll do it

Jan: You should! Let me know whatever happens

Gigi: I will, thank you, love you <3

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