When You Disappear (2)

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This chapter is going to be from the boys PoV


|Leo's PoV|

I paced the entrance of the lair waiting for her. Five minutes... She was five minutes late to showing up.

I nervously text her phone, but she doesn't reply. I frantically call her, but nothing. Her phone rings lifelessly.

"What are you doing Leo?" Mikey questioned with confusion while gulping down pizza.

"I'm waiting for (y/n). She's never late. And she always picks up her phone..."

"Go look for her dude. Maybe she forgot to come or something."

"Yeah... Okay your right," I grab my katanas and prepare to leave.

But she never forgets. And she's never late either. I think to myself. I stress and worry even more with every second that goes by.

"When am I not right?"

Instead of answering his question, I run down into the sewers searching for my girlfriend.


Her phone. I found it lying in an alley. I lightly hummed music when I picked up. Cracks covered the screen. I investigate the surrounding, not even bothering to hide from any humans that may see me.

I look around to see if I can find a clue to where she may be. On the wall of the building, there are four claw marks embedded into the brick.

I know now where she is. I know who took her. And I plan to get revenge on Tiger Claw.

|Raph's PoV|

"Leo I'm already late. I'm supposed to be taking (y/n) to the movies."

"Raph you're only ten minutes late. She will understand."

I roll my eyes. We've been training for hours and right now, seeing her face would really make my day.

"Yeah well have fun with your training, Fearless. I'm leaving," I grunt, walking off.


"Can't hear you!"


I land on her rooftop and notice an object glistening in the moonlight. I stare at the bracelet, wondering why she left it here.

I land on the emergency staircase near her window. Her room was empty and barren.

My T-phone rings. Her face and phone number pops up.

"(Y/n)? Where are you? Are-"

"Nice to talk to you too Raph," I hear Spike... I mean Slash growl.

I can hear her screams in the background "Raph help he-"

"Shut it girl! If you want to see your precious girlfriend again I suggest you do me a favor Raphael."

"What do you want?" I stomp in anger.

"You let me finish your brothers off. Let me finish my mission-"

"No. I-I can't let you..."

"Well then say goodbye to your beloved girlfriend." He hangs up. I let a few tears fall from my face as I track the call.

I will get (y/n) back.

|Don's PoV|

After an hour of training with Master Splinter, I settle down in my lab and wait for (y/n). I send a text message, which goes without a response.

I waited by my T-phone for a few more minutes before I decided to call (y/n). She was supposed to come to the lair tonight, but maybe she had other plans.

The phone rings twice before she picks up.

"Donnie! Dexter Stickman has me in his lab! I-"

"It'zzz Stockman! Give me that phone!"

"No st-"

The phone disconnected before I can respond to her. Anger bubbles in my veins, but at the same time fear erupts through my lungs.

I shake my head in disbelief and stare at my phone. I quickly track the last call from the phone to find his hideout.

Without wasting a second, I grab my bō staff and speed through the city.

I refuse to let him experiment on her.

|Mikey PoV|

I sat on the couch with video games and pizza waiting. I don't know why (y/n) isn't here yet, or why she hasn't called.

"Mikey, let's go. Mutagen mission," Leo stands by the entrance waiting to go.

"But (y/n) is-"

"Come on. We can't wait for right now."

"Leo. The mutagen is on the move. The Kraang, or someone, must have found it," Don says without looking up from the tracker.


We arrive to the first area where the mutagen was located.

The tracker beeped. We ran over a few rooftops before we hear a girl's voice.

"Let. Me. Go!"

"(Y/n)?!" I scream in surprise.

"The girl known as (y/n) will be known as dead if she doesn't shut up."

I sprint in the direction of her voice and see them dragging her into a Kraang teleportation thing.

She looks up and her eyes show how frightened she truly is. A second later, the device closes.

I've never been so determined to beat some Kraang butt.

|Casey PoV|

I scan the crowd for her. My game was beginning and she still hasn't showed up.

"Ready Jones?" Coach slaps me on the back.

"Casey Jones is always ready..." I fake a smile.

"Then let's get out there and win!"

"Of course Coach," I say scanning the crowd.

"Whatcha looking for Casey?"

"My girlfriend... I hope she comes soon."

"Keep ya head in the game, kid. She'll come eventually."


The game was over and she still never came. I could only wonder where she was.

I walk to the lair with my head down. Maybe I could find her there. As I turned into the alley, I see a phone broken in half on top of a purple spray painted picture.

I bend down to grab the phone and see that the drawing is a dragon. Looking over at the phone, I see the see that it belongs to her.

Without hesitation, I set forward to the Purple Dragons' hideout. They will pay for kidnapping (y/n).

If you have any scenarios that you want me to include please comment your ideas!!! :)

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