When He Gets Jealous

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You were walking with your (boy family member) to your house at night. He put his arm around you and took a selfie with you. His kisses your cheek, knowing it will annoy you.

"Ew stop," you laugh and push him away.

You expect to see him walking behind you, but when you turn around he is no longer there.

You call his name and walk back to alley you two were next to.

There, you see Leo, in human form, holding your family member by the collar.

"Who are you and why are you kissing my girlfriend?" Leo growled at him.

"Help," your family member (I'm just gonna type (f/m) from now on) squeaked.


"(Y/n)! Who is this?"

"It's my (f/m). Please put him down." You said sheepishly.

"Oh... Sorry," Leo lowered him down and walked over to you. He hugged you,"Text me okay?"

You kissed him," Okay."


You were walking with your guy best friend (f/n).

Returning from the recent sporting event at your school, (f/n) was jumping around, hyped up due to the game.

He grabs your shoulders and shake you,"And did you see the game winning point,(y/n)?!"

"Yes, I saw," you laugh at your friend's giddiness.

"That was the best game ever!" He hugs you before happily walking off, almost skipping.

Suddenly, you see him run into someone and fall backwards.

"And who do you think you are?" The boy looks down at your friend, growling his words.

"I-I'm..." Your friend stumbles, slowly crawling backwards.

"Raph? What are you-"

"(Y/n) who is this?" He picks up your friend with one hand, tightly gripping on his arm. Raph glared while your friend whimpered in his grasp.

"Raph it's just my friend. Put him down."

"Fine," Raph threw your friend down,"I'm watching you." He points a finger before turning towards you.

"Raph you didn't have to scare him!" You watch as (f/n) scurries off.

His response was by hugging you. He snuggle into his warm embrace.


You were in the library studying for a test in your favorite class. Between every few questions you studied for, you texted Donnie.

In the middle of the text you were sending Donnie, someone walks up and snatches your phone.

"Hey! Give that back!"

"Be my girlfriend first," the captain of the football team smirks, shaking your phone in his hand.

"No. Give me my phone!" You jumped up to grab your phone, but he moved it higher than your reach.

"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend, I'm telling you," he stepped closer to you taking your hand in his.

You pulled your hand away from him and stepped back, "No!"

"Why not?"

"Because she already has a boyfriend!" Donnie walks in, in human form, and pushes the boy backwards.

"And who do you think you are, Gappy?" The boy laughs.

"If you don't stay away from (Y/n), I'll become your worst nightmare."

"Try me, Nerd," he pushed Donnie back and grabbed your hands.

"Let go of me!" You try to pull away.

Donnie lunged at him and tackled him to the ground, knocking him out cold with a single punch.

"Thanks Don," you run up and hug him. He kisses you on your head and the two of you walk out.


You had to work on a project with a boy from your class. The two of you to went to your house to start the project. You ordered a pizza to eat while you worked.

After about ten minutes, a rapid knock sounds on your door. When you opened the door, Mikey stood in human form on the other side.

"Dudette what's up? I knocked on your window and you weren't there."

"Sorry. I'm working on a project with him," you motion behind you.

"How could you?!"

"What did I-"

"You have pizza and didn't invite me!" Mikey whined.

"If you want some your welcomed to have a piece-"

Mikey ran through the door and sat down eating the pizza.

"Um hi?" The boy from your class stared at Mikey as he ate the pizza.

"What up dude? I'm (y/n)'s boyfriend."

You were in the lair with Don. You sat in a chair in his lab. You just finished sparing with the guys and had a few cuts and bruises.

"Thanks for helping me Don."

"Anytime, (y/n)," he smiles warmly at you.

"Donnie what are you doing?" Casey says with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I'm tending to a few of (y/n)'s bruises she got from sparring."

"Well stop. I can help her better than you can," he pushes Donnie out of the way.

Casey looks down at the equipment Donnie had laid out. His face contorts with confusion.

"You okay there Case?" You laugh.

"I'm completely fine... And even though I know how to use these tool things, I'll let Don try."

"Whatever Casey. I'm not trying to steal her away from you, so mind letting me finish?"

"Fine. But I'm watching you."

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